Interview: Talking about World's Rumors 2020: Is it a Nicolas Sourivongxay's revenge? (Elections, 7 Years, Toxic Debt)

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. 🎅

December 28th, 2020. Just 3 days to the end of the year 2020, that means to the end of the 7 years of misfortune and injustice in the life of Nicolas. We already enjoyed many interviews this month. 



Now we are going to continue talking about the world rumors about him. Let's welcome to the only one, the greatest, NIcolas Sourivongxay

(The audience applauds)

Nina: - You look so cool with that hat, today!

Nicolas:- Thanks for having me in your show, Nina! Once again!

NIna:- Well, let's continue with your interview about the rumors. During these last 7 years, there were 3 argentinian presidencies, and 3 american presidencies. In Argentina, we have Cristina Kirchner, Mauricio Macri, and Alberto Fernandez, and in The United States of America, we have Barack Obama. Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. People say that you had the power to change the elections. What do you have to say about that?

Nicolas: -That's ridiculous! I can't do that. It's against democracy, you are saying that people chose me breaking all the rules, I mean over the law into the system. But I don't know, Nina.

Nina:- Have you ever felt people used you including famous people using you but not appearing on tv or radio? Have you ever seen a famous person calling you a 'Legend' after finishing a presidential election meaning that the system changed?

Nicolas:- I'm not feeling good to remember my past, Nina. I don't wanna answer that question.

Nina:- Have the people ever called you 'President" or ' Candidate"?

Nicolas:- Yes, but that's bullshit from people.

Nina:- Have you ever heared that people gave you the power to change the destiny of the country, not only here in Argentina, but also in The United States of America? 

Nicolas:- Nina, I don't care about what the people imagine about me. I do protest because I wanna change my destiny. During these last 7 years, I have been trying to tell the people I needed help to change my life for better beyond political parties, beyond presidencies, the only thing I wanted was to be happy with money and a job. I have been fighting against the plot for years.

Nina:- How much money did they get during these last 7 years? How many jobs did they get because of you? How many times did they get promotions?. These are questions you made on your streaming live videos about the TOXIC DEBT. How much money do you want from the people in the system in compensation?



Nicolas: - I got my degree in december 2013, I quit my last job as an employee in 2013, so since 2014 my life has been a disaster, fighting, and fighting while being excluded from the market. My little store NSComex got just a little bit of money but not enough for a good life, and you know, people didn't stop attacking my two brands, NScomex and Yooloper. Many bad events happened. So maybe a salary of an employee in my catergory,  a month now is around $543,81 ( 45,000 argentinian pesos,  1 american dollar= 82.75.argentinian pesos), so that means for 7 years is 3,780,000 argentinian pesos which is around 45,679.76 american dollars. But in addition, the loss of profit, the harm, the damage to my reputation, the moral damage.


Nina:- They made millions and millions of money, so that's the Toxic Debt. 

Nicolas:- That doesn't mean the solution to my problems is a ticket plane to compensate my pain. I need the money to invest by my own, to take my own decisions in life.

Nina:- On the 1st day of January people gotta be sleeping, taking a nap because of the party of New Year's day maybe, but the economy will be running again on the 2nd day of January 2021. What's on your mind when you think about that day?

Nicolas:- I wanna leave this interview, Nina. I can't handle it. (a tear rounds on his chin)

Nina:- So, let's stop this interview.

(Nina embraces Nicolas)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 🎅







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