The Interview: Talking about the Year 2020 with the Divo

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. 🎅

Today, he is here.

(The audience applauds)

He is simply the best. Let's welcome to the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience applauds)

Nina: -How are you, Nicolas? I can't embrace you because of social distance.

Nicolas:- I never expected that, Nina! 

Nina: -You look gorgeous, today!

Nicolas: -I know, thanks darhling! and thanks for having me in your show.

Nina: - Today, I wanna ask you so many questions about this year. I know in the balance of your life, there is no equilibrium, but let's talk about the positive things like for example your vacation you took in March 2020 with your little company NSComex. How was that?

Nicolas:- That was cool according to my little income. Thanks the people who joined me before the worldwide lockdown because of Covid-19, I got the money to scape to the sea. Unfortunately, in september 2020 I left the market because of the cost, taxes, almost nothing of sales, I couldn't affort it due to the cost, but I think I was waiting for this moment, you know, my life has to change for better. I'm waiting for somebody on top to help me to have the life I deserve. Destiny has been treating me bad, you know. 

Nina:- Oh, yeah! and december is the last month of your period of time of seven years of misfortune.




Nicolas:- Exactly, Nina. I need a change urgently. Since 2014 my life has been a disaster, so I need a change, and it depends on the people on top, I mean the millionaires or billionaires.

Nina: -Something positive this year was your book written in spanish language 'El Rescate del Doctor Aranus' available on Amazon, right?


Nicolas:- My precious! It's about Climate Change, I wrote it in 2019 and I finally published it in early march 2020 before the worldwide lockdown. 

Nina:- And Doctor Aranus is a doctor. How many people applauded your character this year? Billions of people, including Mariah Carey. Congratulations. 

Nicolas:- That's why I say my book 'El Rescate del Doctor Aranus' is the global book of the year. 

(The audience applauds)

Nina:- You also published a song in spanish 'Si tu no estas'. Is that true?


Nicolas:- An inedit song acapella. I wish I had more money and time to make a good record to end up my career as a singer. That was the last song I have legallly registred as a inedit work.

Nina:- And you made a lot of covers. Which ones are your favourites?

Nicolas:- All of them, but I think those ones who won prizes this year like 'Silent Night' with The Temptations, 'It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday' with Boys II Men, 'A Change is Gonna Come' of Sam Cooke, and this song didn't get a prize but with 'Lately' of Steve Wonder I made a cool version.

Nina:- And 'The Green Riding Hood' was born this year, too.


Nicolas:- Yes, it's a nice character so that's why I am not alone. I have you, Nina, and I have The Green Riding Hood as my best friends in life, and also Santa Clauss, but he has been busy these days working for christmas that's why he is not with me now. 

Nina:- You gave that name of The Green Riding Hood to Marcos Mederith from your book "La Competencia Verde' . 

Nicolas:- Oh, yeah! that's true. 

Nina:- You had the Photo Modeling Challenge with 9 celebrities. Congratulations.

Nicolas:- That was funny to work with the photos of those celebrities who joined me in that challenge considering the five styles of hat, face, glasses, sunglasses, and The Green Riding Hood.



Nina:- Also your theories and stream live videos on your personal Youtube channel and on Facebook. 'The Post of the Year 2020: The Theory of the economy of exclusion', 'The 8 concepts of Justice', and more. And also the relevant phrases you created this year.


Nicolas:- Yeap! 

Nina:- And you ended up this year with 11 Andromeda Global Prizes, and more other prizes. How does it feel to compete in the market with great celebrities around the world?

Nicolas:- When I know I am the best, I am the best. The money, and the mafias couldn't beat my real talent. I deserve respect, but most of all, the money I deserve. Still waiting for justice.

Nina: -And in this year your LinkedIn Profile was improved so much. You got fifity two certificates during your quarantine. 

Nicolas: - Yes, and I am still looking for a job. That quantity of certificates just for one job. 

Nina:- According to Time, the person of the Year was President Joe Biden, and the rest of the candidates were President Donald Trump, the Frontline Health Care Workers, and the Movement for Racial Race.


Nicolas:- I think I would add my Doctor Aranus, my special book in the Category Frontline Health Care Workers. I did a lot on the internet this year. I think I also deserved to be a great candidate for Person of the Year 2020, you know, because of the birthday of my 7 years of my tragic life. 

(The audience applauds)

Nina: -It's an honor to have such amazing person like you here, Nicolas. Thanks for coming to my show, today.

Nicolas:- You are welcome, Nina! Let's give him a warm applause!

(The audience applauds)


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