
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019

The Worldwide Ranking of Singers Review

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the fantastic, the marvelous, the wonderful, the greatful, the unforgettable, the gorgeous divo singer number one in the planet, Nicolas Sourivongxay. http://worldwidemusicranking.blogspot.com/2019/07/worldwide-ranking-of-best-singers.html?m=1 Yesterday night, Nicolas released a list of the best worldwide singers in the planet. He was upset with the music industry because he didn't have success despite of being in the market for 5 years. Nina- Nicolas, how did you take the decision to make that list? Nicolas: - Well...I was upset with the market. You know, I have had bad judges in life, not only in music, at university, at job, etc. So, thinking of that, was like the last straw. For many years, the market used me, amateur singers tried to take advantage from me by going to talent shows on tv before me. Well-known singers of national and international countries used my strategies of marketing. Nobody came to my shows. Creating mus

One more international scandalous

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the amazing, the remarkable, the wonderful, the fantastic, the great divo singer of the world, Nicolas Sourivongxay. LINK: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1325003077662749&id=476487769180955&__tn__=%2As%2As-R Tonight, there is a Judge here, we are in a trial, this is a peculiar blogger program. And my role is to be a lawyer. Let's start! Nina: -Thanks Nicolas one more time. Nicolas:- It's a nice pleasure for you, darling. Nina: - Now, we all know some of the reasons why you spend less time on Facebook. It's an scandalous situation. Tell us more about Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. Nicolas: - oh...so, is this the reason you called me tonight? I don't wanna talk about it. I received that message a year ago. LINK: https://youtu.be/y1Tr1jduBSw Nina: - What message did you receive? Nicolas: - ...I don't wanna talk about it...(Nicolas cried a tear while Nina told him to take a breath). Nina:- ...

The broken relationship of the Summer

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the amazing, the incredible, the remarkable, the wonderful, the fantastic, the number one and great divo singer in all the galaxies, Nicolas Sourivongxay. https://twitter.com/NsComex/status/1150976038442360832?s=19 Nina: -Thanks Nicolas for this interview. Nicolas:- No, thank you for having me in your show, sweety. Nina: - We all know the reasons why you tweeted like that about your cyber relationship, with the american journalist, Thomas Roberts. How do you feel today? Nicolas: - oh...well. He blocked me on twitter. I used to send him messages and we also had a weird cyber relationship on Facebook too. Fortunately, he didn't block me on Instagram or Facebook and I think, this is because of his friendship with Mark Zuckerberg, maybe. https://twitter.com/NsComex/status/1150984739010023424?s=19 Nina: -Why did you say hackers or people who spy private conversations destroyed your relationships many times? Nicolas:- Those 'Basura&

The Music Market

Hi guys, I'm Nina and I'm sitting at my sofa at this moment and receiving my special guess, the amazing, the marvelous, the remarkable, the wonderful, the fantastic, the great divo singer in the whole world and in the whole galaxy and beyond, Nicolas Sourivongxay. Tonight, we are gonna talk about a recently tweet shared by Nicolas. https://twitter.com/NsComex/status/1149106299126341632?s=19 " Why is the US #market giving too many remakes of movies? Why are singers sounding like no singers? It's seems like the new generation + the old people are lack of "WoW!". I think there is a not equality relationship between money and #talent. #money is winning. Feeling empty... " Nina: - So much pleasure to have you here, Nicolas. Nicolas: - Thanks for having me in your show one more time, darling... Nina:- Nicolas, you are graduated at the university and in international trade, so your voice is important for the market and that's why the own market trie

A Gift Video for Put Me Back

Hi guys, I'm Nina with more information about the amazing, the incredible, the wonderful, the fantastic, the best of the best, the fabulous and the gorgeous divo singer, Nicolas Sourivongxay. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2394552957427431&id=1914343912115007&__tn__=%2AW-R He told us, his relationship with Facebook was not ok, however he received a special gift from that company related to his last recording song 'Put Me Back' made for the summer. Nina: - Do you still have a broken heart? Nicolas:- Yes, I had a lot of problems with the company and with Instagram also, even so I am still using their services because our relationship is just for business now. Nina:- How do you feel by receiving that kind of special video? Nicolas: - well..I feel like...( Nicolas cried a tear and then he continued)...thankful for that good photo for my song 'Put me back'.  https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2391470461069014&id=1914343912115007&a

I Dare You To Shine

Hi everyone! I got news about the amazing, the wonderful, the fantastic, the astonishing, astounding, stunning, breathtaking, marvellous and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious divo singer, Nicolas Sourivongxay. Nicolas shining in the world too! Not considered at men's club, but almost considered at women's club. https://twitter.com/NsComex/status/1148676950459932678?s=19 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2394054797477247&id=1914343912115007 Surprisingly, the 2019 FIFA World Cup for women players' slogan was 'DARE TO SHINE' consequently connected, with the beautiful songs of the great divo Nicolas Sourivongxay, 'Born to Shine' and 'Let it Shine On Me'. Album: https://open.spotify.com/album/5KlR6vsvd7PszYYRgm8yEF?nd=1 Born to Shine: https://www.deezer.com/us/track/567520882?deferredFl=1 Let It Shine On Me: https://www.deezer.com/us/track/567520812?deferredFl=1 Not being considered for the FIFA Russia World Cup 2018 for men playe

Basura won't Put Me Back

Hi everyone! This is Nina with the latest news of the amazing, the wonderful, the best of the best, the magical, the most incredible divo singer of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. https://twitter.com/NsComex/status/1147545219413499904?s=19 Nicolas revealed his secret about his song 'Basura, the secret song' that belongs to his album 'Let it shine on me' . He said he made that record in less than two hours with a piano app playing that song with just one hand and creating everything with his great talent. AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Basura-The-Secret-Song/dp/B07JCGW3JH/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=sourivongxay+basura&qid=1562434505&s=gateway&sr=8-1 DEEZER: https://www.deezer.com/us/track/567520892?deferredFl=1 YTMUSIC: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=x71QtNzJ1P4&feature=share Nina: - Did you really dedicate your song to all your idiot hackers? Nicolas - Yes, absolutely yes. It's a special song for human rights, the right of privacy. What peopl