
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

The Born To Shine Foundation

Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to this international blog once again. I am Nina Andromeda and this is another special emission of my blog program on the internet. Let's get started!  (The audience applauds) Last night, our Divo launched his foundation called "Born To Shine' . It is focused on four areas: 1-Access to Quality education 2-Climate Change 3-Tourism 4-Family Official website:  https://borntoshinefoundation.wordpress.com/ And today, we have Nicolas Sourivongxay with us to give us more details about this wonderful initiative. Let's give him a warm applause to the lovely, to the wonderful, to the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay (The audience applauds) Nicolas:- Oh, Nina. Thanks for having me here, again Nina: -You are adorable, Nicolas. The pleasure is mine.  Nicolas:- I know....I know... Nina:- Well...Let's get to the point! So, what a great initiative that Born To Shine Foundation! Nicolas: - Oh, yeah! A very nice creation of mine with the help of my