Interview: Talking about World's Rumors 2020: Is it a Nicolas Sourivongxay's revenge? (Notre Dame, Amazon, Pandemic)

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. 🎅

We already had  an interview with the Divo talking about the year 2020 and his 7 years of misfortune, but today I wanna ask Nicolas about some rumors around him from people in the world. So let's give a big applause to the amazing Nicolas Sourivongxay


(The Audience Applauds)

Nicolas: - Thanks for having me in your show, Nina!

Nina:- How many times this month? The interview of the year 2020, the job interview...yeah, we hung out many times in December, but I brough you here to give you the chance to demystify some rumors that the people in the world were spreading.

Nicolas:- oh, all right!

Nina:- You were twitting too much in 2019. Did you burn, indirectly, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in France in april 2019?

Nicolas:- What? what's that question, Nina? Nooo! I was on twitter in that time because I remember the hashtags, and the news, but you say that perhaps because of quasimodo, 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', you know he was discriminated due to his natural condition, and the cathedral got burned, so that's a weird message from France to me, maybe you think like that. I don't know...I really don't know...

Nina:- One year later, then you sang the song ' Someday' of that movie in 2020. 

Nicolas:- Yes, Nina, but I don't know what you are meaning, sweety!

Nina:- Ok. Next question is, Did you burn the Amazon in Brazil in 2019?

Nicolas:- Why are you suggesting that? The amazon has nothing to do with me. Maybe you are saying that because of Brazil, as a country, maybe. You know I had problems with Brazil because of my brands NSComex that some people copied me, and with my brand Yooloper.  The investors, my enemies in businesss against my brand of clothes Yooloper, were brazilians. The war against my two brands started in 2016, and it continued but Brazil was not the only one country, Argentina, Serbia, and The USA, are on the list, too. 

Nina:- The next question is the most important question of this year 2020. You have been twitting too much these last years, and you finally got two twitter pages banned by the people who cutted the power of your house, the electricity problems. You suffered too much during these last 7 years when the market pushed you out to create your own job. The period of time was 2014-2020, that means that the Year 2020 was the birthyear of your 7 years of misfortune. The question is, did you create the worldwide pandemic putting the whole world into lockdown?

Nicolas: -Nina, I don't know what you are talking about. I suffered so much, most the people who hurt me were from Argentina, the place where I am living now, but I know that my business was worldwide and people ignored me, they didn't help me to grow up in the system while the economy was moving so fast, and I was feeding the people with morbidity due to my disgrace life...and..

Nina:- And you wrote an ebook in 2019 that was finally published in march 2020 before the worldwide lockdown 'El Rescate del Doctor Arañus'  available on Amazon. The book is about Climate Change in a fiction context with fantasy and superheroes, but it is also about the destruction of the planet. 

Nicolas: - Nina, It's about Climate Change, and about how the people have to protect the planet. But I don't think it is related to the Pandemic that has to do with a virus, that's another thing. 

Nina:- It's interesting how the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, insisted the outbreak of the virus began in China. And you suffered the consequences of that when people called you 'Coronavirus' when you were on vacation this year.  You were born in Argentina, but sometimes you look asian.

Nicolas:- Are you suggesting that when leaders blame China, they are saying I am at fault of the creation of the pandemic? You are insane, Nina.

Nina: - Nicolas, you said many times on Twitter, and sometimes before the pandemic, that italians and spanish people conquered Argentina, and that italians's heritage was so noisy that  bothered you because you are an introvert person. And nice coincidence the quantity of number of people infected increased in that country when you twitted that. 

Nicolas:- What? Dahling, check the list of countries affected once again. You are wrong, Nina. The USA is on top, then India, Brazil, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Turkey, Italy, and so on... And I sang ' Ill Mare Calmo Della Sera' this month, and I like the food that comes from the tradition of italians. 

Nina: -The Pandemic affected the worldwide economy, and this year you made a compilation of the theories you invented written in your books you already published before the year 2020, 'The theory of economy of Exclusion' . Now, let's talk about the industry you were involved with your little store NSComex. You know many artists get the money from shows, but due to the problems brought by the Coronovirus, many singers, actors, were affected in a bad manner. Do you think you are in equal condition in the market now?

Nicolas:- No, maybe just a little bit at the beginning of the quarantine when I saw singers like Mariah Carey, Jennifer Hudson, Bon Jovi, and so on, singing songs by using their cellphones like I use to do, but gradually, their productions turned to quality when the world turned to Social Distance period of time, that was less restrictive than the first of period of time of the worldwide quarantine.

Nina: -The theme about the cure, the vaccine, began after you taking courses in important universities online during the quarantine. Because of your comments you left, the world is turning to the vaccine now. Are you conscious of what you have done?

Nicolas:- Oh, those courses! I wanted to get involved in health system to understand the system, and I left comments according to my experience of life, my points of views, and I got the certificates, and that was cool. 

Nina:- And the last question. Are you the queen bee of the world in this planet, in this earth?

Nicolas:- I don't know what you are talking about, Nina. The only thing I wanted was money, a job, to grow up in the system like the others. It has been 7 years claiming while suffering so much because of the behaviour of people. Maybe that's why I destroyed the planet many times in my books like 'La Noche de los Reinos, genesis', 'La Noche de los Reinos, la desaparicion', and I also destroyed islands and countries like in 'Mr. Education, el misterio de mis ojos', 'La isla de Cracia', and so on. I created worlds, I created countries, institutions, rules, the systems, but after adding people in my stories, they turned evil, so I finally destroyed the countries I created, I destroyed the worlds because of the behaviour of the population. 

Nina:- Thanks for coming here, today, Nicolas. On December 27th, 2020, just 4 days to the end of the 7 years of misfortune and injustice in the life of Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Nicolas:- Thanks Nina! 

Nina:- Hope his life to change for better. Hope the people into the system to act according to his desires so he grows up into the system before the ending of this bad period of time of 7 Years of misfortune and injustice. Let's give him a warm applause.

(The audience applauds)


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