
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2023

Over Protected: Britney!

Hi, everyone! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway bringing you news about the world of music.  Recently news about Britney Spears about a joke some people did due to the reason Britney disappears and appears on Instagram. Jokers called the police so, the police went to the house of Britney.  Protection vs chances. Protection vs opportunities. Protection vs Freedom Link:  https://twitter.com/NSourivongxay/status/1618818226376540160 The thing about Police reaction, and about people who sent her the police paid the attention of the Divo Nicolas Sourivongxay due to his bad experience in Argentina with similar events. With almost 356 verified views, Nicolas thanked Britney for her words. Click in the photo to zoom it or visit Twitter Link:  https://twitter.com/NSourivongxay/status/1619560286008283138 Previous the words of Britney, Nicolas shared his thought like this: Link:  https://twitter.com/NSourivongxay/status/1618817267772579842 Nicolas felt connected with the event related to Britney

The Oscars Nominees Review

Hi I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway briging you news about the Film World Prizes.  The nominees for Oscars were revealed today. So, we're gonna talk about with the Divo Nicolas Sourivongxay. So, ladies & gentlemen, let's welcome to the only one, the great Divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. (The audience applauds) Nina:- You look so good, Nick! Nicolas:- Thanks for having me here, Nina. It's been a long time, right? Nina:- Yeah. I don't remember exactly the last time we saw together. Anyways. Let's start making a review of the international prizes.  Nicolas: - Let's do it but just the main categories. I don't have much time, I got a lot to do later.  Nina:- All right. Let's remember our winners of the Andromeda Global Prize 2022 with this link:  Link:  https://ninandromedagalaxymilkyway.blogspot.com/2022/12/andromeda-global-prize-2022-extra.html WINNERS ANDROMEDA GLOBAL PRIZE 2022 Best Book of World Celebrities: Braining Insania: the spanglis

Flowering the music market: Miley Cyrus & Nicolas Sourivongxay

Hi, everyone! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway bringing you news about the world of music.  It's the beginning of the year 2023 and there are many singers promoting new songs such as the Divo number one of all times Nicolas Sourivongxay who shared his EP Album called 'Phone Calls to Shine' with two songs after his christmas song in December 2022 called 'A Christmas Landscape'. Another singer launched a worldwide song. It's about Miley Cyrus with a song called 'Flowers'.  After reading the lyric of that song, the Divo Nicolas Sourivongxay wrote this on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NSourivongxay/status/1616256269245112325?cxt=HHwWioDTpe-gjO4sAAAA It is real that Nicolas shared beautiful photos of flowers on Instagram in 2022. And there were other important singers involved sending messages to Nicolas such as Britney Spears who appeared and disappeared on Instagram and finally sent one of her fans to follow Nicolas's Instagram account, Mariah Carey

Worldwide Fireworks Ranking 2023 Review

Hello everyone!, Hello world! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway still celebrating New Year 2023. Today January 1st, 2023. We enjoyed an amazing night last night worldwide. Many people think why I judged like that, why London first, and so on, well...let me give you some words about that, but first of all, let's welcome once again Christina Aguilera representing Emirate Arab United,  Dubai (this is not what happened last night), singing 'A million dreams' with fireworks over the city. Last night, many cities used Drones such as London, Dubai, Marina Bay in Singapore, that was good. I also saw the difference between long distance and short distance matters and putting a camera in, things look different, like Dubai did.  Australia didn't change its program, it was the same. They should add something new for 2024 to keep their supremacy in the ranking.  London and Dubai used aerial live video, that was nice. London returned with its famous wheel again and this was the cha