
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2021

January 19th, 2021: THE CHANGE of Nicolas Sourivongxay

The Divo decided to leave his past behind from now on after his 8 years of claiming for justice mostly for his misfortune.  On January 19th, 2021. Nicolas said:  "...I think it is time to maturity. I can't change what it is done when they don't change first, so I'm leaving it to the hands of God. My job is done, and it's time for a new beggining because if I continue claiming for my lost years, I will get sick. I accept apologies when they don't exist, but they exist in my imagination, so I forgive them. It's a new start, a new day, a new life for me...and I'm feeling good. But my forgiveness doesn't mean I won't take care my back.  I got tired, and I need to forgive, to leave my past behind, or it will turn worse day by day. For my mental health, for my brain, for my health, for my life. My main character of the X-Men was Jean Grey, but she got mad loosing control most of the time, but the positive thing was the pheonix she had coming back to l

After working for free, claiming for retribution.

 Here are the celebrities being charged by Nicolas Sourivongxay for copying his ideas:  1-Mariah Carey. Her obsession crossed the limits Link:  https://ninandromedagalaxymilkyway.blogspot.com/2020/12/i-remember-everything-naughty-diva.html 2-Lady Gaga Link:  https://ninandromedagalaxymilkyway.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-mother-monsters-claw.html 3-Photo Challenge: Here Nicolas only charges Lady Gaga because the hat and the rock music were the ideas of Nicolas, Mariah Carey because of that song 'Beautiful' and her full album made for Nicolas  , and Madonna...just the feeling...I don't know exactly why... Link:  https://ninandromedagalaxymilkyway.blogspot.com/2020/12/photo-modeling-challenge-8-celebrities.html 4- Taylor Swift won't be charge because The Green Riding Hood is a book for children that exists in the US market. Nicolas recreated his own character from zero with peculiar characteristics on the media by using that name. Taylor Swift did the same on her own style. 

THE BEST LINKEDIN PROFILE 2020: Resume of the Year

This is the first article of 2021 of this international blog and we are celebrating this new year by giving a prize to the amazing Nicolas Sourivongxay.  The 7 Years of misfortune and injustice in the life of Nicolas has ended up, and since today, it is going to be 8 years.  Many events occured in the Year 2020 including bad events, but despite that, Nicolas didn't stop fighting until the last day. On December 31st, 2020, Nicolas got his last certificate online from Mexico.  Nicolas has the best profile in terms of studies on Linkedin in the world. Photo from Wilkipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LinkedIn Full RESUME:  https://nicolasourivongxay.wordpress.com/ In the year 2020, the divo got a total quantity of 57 (fifty-seven) official certificates from very well known institutions in the world. All his certificates can be found on his LINKEDIN profile LINKEDIN:  https://ar.linkedin.com/in/nicolasourivongxay There is no profile on Linkedin with that quantity of certificates in