Interview Period 2019-2023: Did Nicolas Sourivongxay create anything new?

Hi, everyone! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway and this is my interview show

(The Audience applaud) 

He is here! Ladies & gentlemen, let's give him a very warm applause. He is the outstanding, the solution, the genius, the marvelous, the incredible, the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay

(The Audience applaud) 

Nina:- Welcome again in October, Nick! 

Nicolas:- Thanks for having me here, Nina! 

Nina: - Well, what a year for you, Nicolas! We already talked about your year but we're gonna be focused on your career in music. You didn't sing live in a show, didn't you? 

Nicolas: -  Nope. I think the context of the presidential election didn't let me to express my art, my music in the manner I expected. 

Nina:- Argentinians are really rebel people, specially police officers. Let's remember that the election to vote for president in Argentina is on October 22nd, 2023, so tomorrow Sunday. But you created new music during the presidency of the current government 2019-2023 and the police started noticing you in 2018 and in 2019 in moderate level, but with high levels in 2020 during the quarantine due to pandemic, later in 2021, 2022, and in 2023. 

Nicolas:- Maybe people think I created something new. It's seems like that, actually I  didn't. 

Nina:- How is that? You wrote the book 'Braining Insania: the spanglish book of Nicolas Sourivongxay' in 2022. 

Nicolas:- That contains awful things. To be honest, and as I told you before, as a writer, I like to create novels, tales, poetry specially in fantasy world. Writing about reality, mixing the real and aweful context of my life gives a sad and not pleasant taste. When writing books, I'd like to be me not someone writing for a need and desperately..For that reason, freedom is necessary for creativity. 

Nina:- All right, so you are brilliant in a context of freedom not in a context of abuse due to human police officers controlling you on the streets. 

Nicolas:- Yeah, Nina. And I remark the word you said, 'human'. That's why I  sadly created FALABUSE from the bottom of my broken heart. FALABUSE means 'Future Artificial Intelligence Against Abuse'. Humans are imperfect, humans hurt each other. Police officers are humans, they hurt me on the streets. 

Nina:- In February 2023, you launched your EP Rock Music Album 'Phone Calls To Shine'.. Tell us how you created that in a context of abuse in Buenos Aires?

Nicolas- I didn't create anything new. I recorded those two songs at studio around 2015 when there was no police persecution focused particularly on me. I was free on the streets without police abuse. In the case of 'Phone Calls Slow', that was a magical tool on the internet used to make  the song slow. The original song belongs to my first album 'Let it Shine On Me' launched in 2018 worldwide. And in the case of the song 'Let It Shine On Me', I just changed the sound, not the lyric, not the song, it's just technical trick used by music producers like me. 

Nina:- What about 'Rockinstrumentals To Shine' launched in June 2023. In that month you scaped to Montevideo, Uruguay asking for Asylum. 

Nicolas:- I didn't create anything new, either. Those are soundtracks from my first album and the song  acapella 'Si Tu No Estas' was recorded during the quarantine alone but not created during the quarantine 2020. The song was created many years before when I was not persecuted by the police. It was going to be part of my first album in 2018 but I didn't have enough money to invest on 'Si tu no Estas' in that time. 

Nina:- Incredible to know the truth that you can't create in a context of abuse. You need freedom. I forgot answering you about the beautiful song 'A Christmas Landscape' launched in December 2022. 

Nicolas:- It was not new. It's a version of my original song 'Landscape' that belongs to my first album 'Let it Shine on Me' in 2018. I created just the christmas lyric, I cut some parts , I fixed the sound. It was a Christmas context and I said to myself, 'come on, Nicolas, let's do it to see what happens next'. I remember me coming back to the market with my little store NSComex for helping children to study. I got energy in me, that's why the song sounds beautiful, and I sang like that. 

Nina:-  But not for a long time. You left the market next month, on January 14th, 2023. You left your business NSComex . 

Nicolas:- Yes. The police officers ruined it again. If I go out of my house to children's houses, the police intercept me, persecute me, harass me. 

Nina:- This is a sad story, Nicolas. You have to be mentally strong to face all of these. You got sick many times this year because I read the blog 'Ethnic Justice'. How abusers, dressed with uniform of police officers abuse you on the streets. It's like the abuse of a child, you look young, isn't it? 

Nicolas:- It's hard to answer that. Next question, please? 

Nina:- In October 2023, you also created another version of the song 'Landscape' from your first album in 2018. It is triggered from your song 'A Christmas Landscape' in 2022. Did you create the lyric? 

Nicolas: - Yes, absolutely.. I had to abstract myself from the awful context I was passing in the moment I created the lyric in Spanish language. 'Un Paisaje Navideño' was sung by me at the studio but, you notice excess of energy, my voice looks altered, that's because before singing 'Un Paisaje Navideño', the police officers with cars followed me and intercepted me on the streets. When walking on the streets, I had to close my mind as best as possible. I got the studio, I started singing but my heart, my feelings were altered so I tried to give my best. 

Nina:- And there was a technical problem affecting your song on music players. 'Un Paisaje Navideño' was not mastered by you. You forgot doing that, you said on social media.

Nicolas:- Yes. I forgot mastering the song before launching it to the market. By mastering the song, you fix some mistakes in the sound even so, I can't correct my voice altered due to bad feelings when recording the song, when singing the song at the studio. The police officers who intercepted  me on the streets that day, affected me emotionally. Emotion was necessary for that song, but not that kind of emotion. You have to understand a person abused. 

Nina:- All right, so your secret in a bad context is abstraction. Anything else?

Nicolas:- And chocolate and writing. You have to express your anger, frustration, the feelings of abuse somewhere. Writing is a therapy for someone abused but not good for creating something new, the feeling is like bittersweet, bitter, aweful. 

Nina:- Thanks for sharing your way you try to heal yourself like Wolverine from the X-Men. So, you created nothing new, just versions, and your potential of creativity was blocked in a manner during the presidency of the period of time 2019-2023 in Argentina.  Thanks so much for sharing this. 

Nicolas:- Thanks for having me here, Nina. 

Nina:- Let's give him a warm applause!  And this is 'Un Paisaje Navideño' on YouTube 

(The Audience applaud) 

Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 


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