Interview with the Divo: FALABUSE, Olympics, and Privacy

I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway your best blog host in this planet and beyond your solar system. 

He is here. 

(The audience applaud)

Ladies & Gentlemen, after winning six Andromeda Global Prizes this year. The outstanding, the marvelous, the incredible, the number one Divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay

(The audience applaud)

Nina:- You look awesome. Welcome again, Nicolas! 

Nicolas: Thanks for having me here, Nina. 

Nina:- I have a lot of questions about you because people wanna know things from you and it is useful for you to clarify things to stop rumors, gaslightings, and you know...what people use to create in their own minds. First of all, congratulations  for your six Andromeda Global Prizes 2023

(The Audience applaud)

Nicolas:- Thanks, Nina. And thanks for the extra prize you gave me that night that I didn't expect that. It was pleasant to be awarded as Leading Light of the Year. 

Nina:- You deserved that for sure, for sure. Let's go to the first question. Yesterday you created a kind of movement called 'FALABUSE'. It has a blog, Twitter account, and a Facebook Page. FALABUSE means Future Artificial Intelligence Against Abuse. It's a controversial movement and we know why you created that. The slogan says 'Where Institutions Fail, FALABUSE is the solution.'

Nicolas:- It's about the dichotomy between Humans against Machines and I remember the United Nations preaching about Education to solve the problems in societies however, after ten years of disappointments, disgrace, misfortune, mistreatment, abuse, ostracism, and the worst thing is by pushing a person out of the country to seek Asylum as Refugee, and I did it in Uruguay, creating  FALABUSE was a personal decision taken by considering no solutions for my problems. For example, police persecution on the streets or the claims to stop the bothering from those male young boys who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap, also unemployment, and issues about Justice System I had to deal with, in educational system as well. 

Nina:- It is said that Artificial Intelligence leaves people without a job. That's why many actors and actresses and the Diva Fran Dresher were fighting against Artificial Intelligence. That's a real problem happening in the USA. You turned a little mean by creating FALABUSE

Nicolas:- My claim is focused on stopping Abuse that comes from humans. A calculator says 2+5 is 7 but, Humans can say 2+5 is 8 or 6 and they fight each other for those numbers, they create revolutions, scandalous and sometimes the person in superior position says it's 8 to show superiority or the person in inferior position fights for 6. And the Justice System managed by humans dismissed all the claims in dispute or many judges say it's not 7. Humans are complicated. In that fight, you put your mental health in the game and you probably get sick. 

Nina:- You got sick twice this year. In April and in August. Oh, your tooth got broken in April as well. 

Nicolas:- That's what I am talking about. Even so, Argentinians have been keeping their traditional jobs and sone new were created during this decade but they enjoyed the party without me leaving me apart with just the tip of the system. 

Nina:- Did you see what happened in Music Industry? Katy Perry singing a song of Lady Gaga. Ariana Grande singing a song of Taylor Swift. That's terrible for the music industry. 

Nicolas:- The dilemma is if a machine recognizes the intellectual property when you hear the voice of Lady Gaga but the background music base is from Jennifer Lopez as an example. Technology in bad hands is destructive, but with FALABUSE I want to finish all the traditional problems in societies. We are in 2023 and we face the same problems of the past, so we learned nothing because everything cone back. I think New technology focused on satisfying those needs when institutions fail, should be considered to solve most of the problems. 

Nina:- I am a toy, made of plastic. I come from Andromeda Galaxy. Do you consider me Al? 

Nicolas:- No, you are not Al, you are Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway.

Nina:- I am not replacing Oprah, not Kelly Clarkson or Drew Barrymore. I am Nina, a blogger host. The first one in the whole planet on the internet. Some people say I am a newspaper. I'm not. I 'm a blogger on the internet but, let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about your last Instagram posts about Olympic Games. 

Nicolas:- Thanks for reminding me that, Nina. The thing about Olympics is that the competition is on the field of sports not in other environments. Many people confuse environments. I was not competing when I was an employee at a company or a student at university. I never cared about that. I see my results and I am proud of that but I am not interested in beating someone in particular. 

Nina: - At Andromeda Global Prize, you won most of the prizes. 

Nicolas:- Yes, but I create by my own for my own. I don't know what Mariah Carey is going to launch next year. I do, I create and sometimes she copied me like a copycat so I know I am one step before her, but I am not obsessed in beating Mariah or someone else. 

Nina:- I see many people obsessed with you trying to beat you and some of them, men and women, do Cyberespionage under the water to take advantage of you. You are a target, object of plot in the societies, or an object to study for many purposes including commercial purposes but you gain nothing of money, or for elections in politics. What's your message to those evil people?

Nicolas:- I don't know. I really don't know. I'd like to enjoy the game with rules and good judgment like before. With privacy, with freedom, creativity, not feeling I am being abused. In Olympics everyone sees the game, with rules, fair play, good environment, so you enjoy competing knowing the result will be right. Someone destroyed my computer with a virus in February 2023 but it started in December 2022 by eating my screen, that gave me more disadvantage.

Nina:- Let's watch an interview to Britney Spears about her Privacy. Privacy is a human right, and it's included in most of criminal codes in countries however, Privacy is not easy to get for worldwide famous people due to paparazzis. Let's watch the video together. 

Nicolas:- That's different. I am famous for having hackers, for Cyberespionage under water, unseen however, I am not the only one in the country who is able to be a victim as a target. Everyone can be a victim. Do you think enterprises, employees, students, professors are not being cyberespied? And I have go out on the streets. I live in a community and I have to do errands outside. I never asked for public security, and public security treated me with bad deep intention after that they deny the true. And I don't deal with paparazzis, if you search for my full name on Google Search, there is nothing on news section. 

Nina:- I remember Britney had the same problem this year with the police when someone (not her fans) called the police so they went to her house. 

Nicolas:- Yes, probably they were people who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap in my case but when I am dealing with cops on the streets, I see the initiative comes from the Police, so I blame cops for their behavior. I can walk many blocks to my house because I don't have fans, but the police persecute me. I proved there is no problem on the streets with people except with police officers. If I see someone intercepting me, I know they like gossiping and they are like flies on my way. 

Nina:- Oh, Nicolas! Flies on your way? Are you serious? 

Nicolas:- Whatever, Nina. I wanna have dinner. 

Nina:- Ok. I go with you. Let's give a warm applause to him. 

(The Audience applaud) 

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Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 


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