Over Protected: Britney!

Hi, everyone! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway bringing you news about the world of music. 

Recently news about Britney Spears about a joke some people did due to the reason Britney disappears and appears on Instagram. Jokers called the police so, the police went to the house of Britney. 

Protection vs chances. Protection vs opportunities. Protection vs Freedom

Link: https://twitter.com/NSourivongxay/status/1618818226376540160

The thing about Police reaction, and about people who sent her the police paid the attention of the Divo Nicolas Sourivongxay due to his bad experience in Argentina with similar events.

With almost 356 verified views, Nicolas thanked Britney for her words.

Click in the photo to zoom it or visit Twitter

Previous the words of Britney, Nicolas shared his thought like this:

Nicolas felt connected with the event related to Britney Spears because he remembered the events he had with the police in Argentina, probably, he has a trauma. 

And more tweets. Click on the photos to zoom them

The Reason why Britney disappears and appears on Instagram was explained by her on these tweets: 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway


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