BREAKING NEWS: Twitter Banned Nicolas, the great mistake.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my blog program on the internet. I am Nina  Andromeda bringing you news about the amazing, wonderful, phenomenal, incredible, the great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. And today we are gonna talk to him, so let's give him a warm applause

(The audcience applauds)

Nicolas:- Thanks for having me here, Nina

Nina:- Oh, you always come here, by all means

Nicolas:- What did you say?

Nina:- I said, I adore you.

Nicolas:- Oh, ok. 

Nina:- Today, something happened in the planet, for the first time in history, Jack Dorsey, the owner of Twitter, banned Nicolas account. And here it is the photo.  Twitter rules say that hoping or wishing someone to experience physical harm turns to harassment and violence. 


Nicolas: - I didn't say exactly the name of the person I wanted to hurt. and it is a wish, I didn't say 'DO IT'. and they are different concepts. I tell my friend: 'I wish I had money', it's just a wish, but when I say 'Give me money', he gives me money.  

Nina: - We understand the limit. Why do you think Twitter team were ignorant of these concepts?

Nicolas:- I don't know, maybe they were fans of "Wonder Woman', you know the last movie. She was a bitch, she wanted nobody wishing, not to make progress in life, and she wanted to be the only one with superpowers, and the movie shows everyone can't control it with responsability excepting her.

Nina:- Oh, any other reason?

Nicolas:- I have been using the app Facebook Watch going live at the same time on twitter by tweeting the link. I did it twice in the last period, and I think that bothered Twitter team. They don't want me to use Facebook Watch, maybe.

Nina: - So, how many hours did you get banned? 

Nicolas:- Twelve, I guess. But this is the first time.

This accoutn was banned by the people who cut the power of my house:
This another one was also banned by the people who cut the power of my house:
But this last account was officially banned by Twitter:

Nina: - So, do you think Twitter affected your freedom of expression? 

Nicolas:- Definetly, yes. This rule of Twitter is wrong, and this affected my freedom of expression and it is against that human right. They acted like the police officers who constantly cut my freedom of expression in Argentina.

Nina:- So, what do you think about the banned accounts of Donald Trump?

Nicolas:- Now, considering this act of Twitter, I have a doubt of the ban of the Twitter accounts of the Ex-President Donald Trump. I think it is against Freedom of Expression. No apps should be over the law, no creators or people managing the internet should be over the universal laws.

Nina: - What was the reason you got upset last night?

Nicolas:- I was watching porn at home but the people were hacking me, spying my activities while I was watching porn. Some male people went crazy walking on the streets outside my house last night. Seems like they wanted to join me by watching porn with me, maybe. Why are they so obsessed with me? 

Nina:- Thanks so much to clarify, Nicolas. You are the winner of the day. 

(The audience applauds)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway







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