NSComex celebration: 2 Years

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the astonishing, the wonderful, the breathtaking, the fantastic, the prodigious, the fabulous, the devastating, the stupendous, the sublime, the extraordinary, the phenomenal, the sensational, the spectacular, the number one and only one great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Today is a great day for NSComex Corporation, the most powerful company in the whole planet and beyond.  To celebrate the 2 years into the legal market tonight, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome to the greatful Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience applause)

Nina: - You look incredible tonight! 

Nicolas:- Oh, Thanks darling!

Nina: - And me too! (The audience applause) . Nicolas, we are celebrating the two years into the legal market of NSComex. It was founded by you, in 2015 and got into the market in november 2016 officially. It saddly broke in June 2017 but NSComex came back in november 2018 to make this little company great again and again. How do you feel today?

NIcolas:- Thanks for having me in your show Nina! It's a lovely pleasure for me to stay here celebrating with you all tonight. I couldn't make it without you all. (The audience applause).

Nina:- Let's talk about the three divisions of your company. First of all, about local education. 

Nicolas:- My job is not easy because I do the hard work in education and it requires too much discipline. I work with students from primary and secondary schools and they come from private and from public schools. 
I'm not taking the place of teachers, I'm for parents of those children and young students. You can find a teacher working for just one or two subjects in secondary school but I teach all the subjects of secondary system. I think there are no teachers who can teach all the subjects of primary school plus all the subjects of the secondary school.

NIna:- Ok. Tell us about books. Many scandalous appeared when you published your first books into the market. You broke a record in Argentina by publishing  10 books in just one year during 2015 as an independent writer, editor and publisher. 

Nicolas: - Oh, this is one of my three division I like because it is about freedom of expression. It's a special game of minds by creating the best books to read for all ages. There are stories for children, for teenagers  and for adults. I like writing for kids and for teenagers but the market obeyed me to do that for adults at the beginning so I vomited all the things that I had on my mind. I'm dedicating my time to write for children and for teenagers only now.

Nina:- All right, let's talk about music. In 2018, you released your first worldwide album 'Let it Shine On Me' that includes songs dedicated to the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games, the Football Russian World Cup, one song for the 007 Agent and many songs about Human Rights themes. The types of songs are pop, rock, blues, jazz, latino music in english, spanish and russian languages. And one more extra song 'Put Me Back' released in 2019 available on all music platforms in the world.

Nicolas:- Hmm...about music industry..well..some people in the private sector, told me that making music was not professional. You know I have a degree in International trade. I make music for the world and...I think...I deserved a little of a great income in money for my songs and for my performances at the local bars at nights. Music market is hard. I invested a lot of money on it and I lost too much money on it. I told my idols, Simon Cowell and the Divas, I was going to create just one more song and then I would leave the market. I don't have good results I really want. 
I like singing. I wish I could sing with Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and other divas on a stage together, I'd like to sing with R&B singers, and I'd like to record a song with all of them, but the market is really hard for me. The access to the market, the money I should spend to get in, the investment in performances, the bureaucracy administrative requirements, the CD industry. I have been feeling so much alone in music industry despite of making contact indirectly with famous singers of the USA, the UK and so on, on social medias. I didn't receive any benefit in money yet.

Nina:- People think you don't have enough money, so NSComex is a fake. What would you tell them about this comment?

Nicolas:- People talk so much. I created NSComex when I was in need because the job market decided to close the doors to me because I am a special guy. My degree, got at university, was considered a shit like I have been considered a shit by them for 7 years. 
Many argentinians didn't get a job for 2 or 4 or 5 years but nobody has been an unemployed for a long time like me. How do you think I am feeling inside? the more time, the more closing heart.
I pay taxes, I take care of everything of my little company, and I do everything by my own. So, if they wanna talk, just talk, but let me live my life too, I need some peace on my mind. I lost a great person last year and I don't wanna loose another person again. 
I have been fighting so much for NSComex, I lost Yooloper in a great fight, but I'm still here standing the flag of NSComex in this planet. 

Nina:- Enough! Congratulation Nicolas. Two years! Your little baby! 

NIcolas:- Thanks Nina, and thanks for being part of my team. I love you so much!

Nina:- I love you too, Nicolas. 

(The audience applause) 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/nscomex and visit his website:


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