One more international scandalous

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the amazing, the remarkable, the wonderful, the fantastic, the great divo singer of the world, Nicolas Sourivongxay.


Tonight, there is a Judge here, we are in a trial, this is a peculiar blogger program. And my role is to be a lawyer. Let's start!

Nina: -Thanks Nicolas one more time.

Nicolas:- It's a nice pleasure for you, darling.

Nina: - Now, we all know some of the reasons why you spend less time on Facebook. It's an scandalous situation. Tell us more about Cambridge Analytica and Facebook.

Nicolas: -, is this the reason you called me tonight? I don't wanna talk about it. I received that message a year ago.


Nina: - What message did you receive?

Nicolas: - ...I don't wanna talk about it...(Nicolas cried a tear while Nina told him to take a breath).

Nina:- ...are you ok? Take a deep breath, honey.

Nicolas: - all right...well...I received that message and...( Nicolas cried a tear again, then he continued)'s not easy to tell the world these things, you know!...thinking of my private data. Where did my private data go? Will they come back later? of my friends used an app called 'Digital Life' and that's the only thing I know.

Nina:- you fought back against images on facebook and on instagram, right?

Nicolas:- Oh..those photos...hmm...I though I was insane at the beginning, however I had nice chats sometimes.

Nina:-What did they tell you?

Nicolas: -I've been already vomiting words, Nina. People don't believe I have creativity because they tend to inferiorize me. Nooo..Nina. I created everything by my own. They were learning from me, not me from them. Oh...maybe they did that by purpose for me to vomit those words and actions, maybe.

Nina: - Thanks God, you stopped sharing like you used to do. You are a special guy.

Nicolas:- Whatever, Nina. I just claimed for my future.

Nina: - You are such a crazy guy. An insane guy, you will end into a mental institution one day.

Nicolas:-, Nina...nooo! I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Stop asking me, please! and just buy my album on Spotify, Deezer, etc. And also, buy my books on Amazon.


Nina: -Ok. Nicolas. No further questions his honor.

(The audience applause)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Follow his Facebook fan page: and visit his website:





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