No more games

This is the last interview about the song ´Born to Shine´that belongs to the amazing singer Nicolas Sourivongxay.
Buy his album. It also will be available in more platforms like Spotify, Itunes, etc., so soon.

Nina: How do you feel your song ´Born to Shine´ is on sale now?
Nicolas: I really wanted my 1st album to be sold worldwide. Hope everybody enjoy my music that comes from my heart.  This will be available in more platforms so soon.

Nina: You song was not chosen by the Olympic Games as an official song…
Nicolas: I offered my beautiful song to the organizers but it seems like you have to be more relevant to be part of the party. Many big companies, well-known singers in the country, etc. I don´t have enough sources to get into the games. So sad. Not accepted in my “own Country”.
I made this song dedicated to the athletes, so if somebody asks me what I did for the world, I´m gonna say ´I made music´.

Nina: So you plan was to perform at the ceremony?
Nicolas: Yes but I´m so disappointed with the organizers. I don´t do playback and I created the best song ever but they didn´t call me.  All that glitters is not gold and I´m a Gold medal.

Nina: Are you upset with anybody?
Nicolas: with the police I had around when I visited Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, every step I made and not enough upset with the organizers who destroyed my dreams.  Anyways, that city never game so much benefits, they left me alone in my events I used to organize with my brand NSComex, I can´t forget…

Nina: Will you come back to make a show in that city again?
Nicolas: No, I don´t feel good at all. Things must change first and then I will see if I come back or not.

Nina: Did hackers attack you during these last weeks?
Nicolas: I have been busy trying to recover my little company and fighting against the inflation of the country. About hackers, I don´t know if they are thieves or “teachers” of manipulations.

Nina: …by the way, you still have your bracelet for the games?
Nicolas: oh, yeah but I never used it.

Nina: Thanks so much, Nicolas and the best of luck for your Album.
Nicolas: You are welcome, dahling! 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Follow his Facebook fan page: and visit his website:


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