The Interview: Music and Education

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Hello everyone! Saturday has come and here we are still in quarantine. Today we're gonna talk to Nicolas about some things that are happening around, so let's welcome Nicolas Sourivongxay!

(The audience applauds) 

Nina:- Hi, Nicolas, how r u doing? You look so good today.

Nicolas:- Thanks, Nina. 

Nina: - The 1st question is about your sellings. Are you having success? 

Nicolas:- In music? not so much, some people are streaming my music but they are just giving me cents of money, I need more than that. My songs are worldwide and I'm competing with the mafias, music companies, and you know... including here in Argentina, in latin America, where it is so difficult to have success but I don't know why exactly because... many anglo singers come to Argentina every year and they got money from people in stadiums. I think it is the market. 

Nina: - So, you say the market rejected you despite of being the best singer of the planet beating many anglo singers in the whole world?

Nicolas: - I think so, see the results, and particularly, the latin music market is mostly based on movements and sex. I have technique when singing, it's not easy to sing like me, but people don't appreciate that. It's like they are mentally blind, like caught in a fantasy, in a ilussion. 

Nina:- But the anglo market sings like you,. Are they also caught in a fantasy, in a ilussion?

Nicolas:- Maybe, it is. And maybe it is the market, the media, the mafia. 

Nina:- You've been posting about racial discrimination during these last days because of a bad event that occurred in The USA. Does it have to do with this?

Nicolas:- I sent a message to Leo Di Caprio telling him about what the people are doing to me. I really felt bad when I was writing the tweet because that is what really is happening. For 7 Years they were so mean. 

'...I watched your movie yesterday, @LeoDiCaprio .There is something connected with 'The Tempest' by W. Shakespeare
In my case, my ideas, my own life, ME.They took everything from me, they used me and left me with a few of money with my basic needs for a long time. #Justice #Justicia
And they did it with corruption, beating me with corruption, @LeoDiCaprio . I could not fight that game because that game was not a fair fight, that's why I hate them so much. And I remember and I see my present. #Justice #Justicia ...'

Nina: - What happened these last days with you. We noticed your behaviour changed, you were in a bad mood trying to revenge.

Nicolas: - I think, that cause from The USA 'Black Lives matter' touched me so much because I felt identified with those feelings of discrimination. 

Nina: - But you posted something about education, you looked so upset with events involving universities in Buenos Aires. And you sent messages to the Minister of Education of Argentina making complaints about your situation. 

Nicolas: - Everything is said and done, Nina. 

Nina: - And we found these more posts and tweets from you, Nicolas.

Nicolas: -Everything is said and done, Nina. 

Nina:- Then no more questions about it. Thanks for coming Nicolas. We love you so much, don't give up, may the force be with you. 

Nicolas:- Thanks , Nina.

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Follow his Facebook fan page: and visit his website:


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