Mr. Education: The Educational Interview

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Tonight we're gonna talk to Nicolas about his company, the powerful and worldwide corporation NSComex. 

We all know, we are living in a special period of time in the world because of Covid-19, and this have effect in economy, like Nicolas said on this Post of the Year.

Post Of The Year in Economy:

There are three divisions in NSComex: Music, Books, and Education. Nicolas has been working so much during the quarantine. He has been trying to sell his last book 'El Rescate del Doctor Arañus' and trying to sell his music on the internet.  


But He has a problem with the division Education, so every time after the President of Argentina's speech about the restrictions for the quarantine, Nicolas made decisions about his company. 

Comunicado I:
Comunicado II:
Comunicado III:

The next death line will be on May 10th, 2020 for the next Comunicado. Let's talk to Nicolas about the situation of NSComex concerning Education. 

Nina: - Welcome again, Nicolas. Thanks for coming here, tonight. 

Nicolas:- Thanks for having me here, Nina. 

Nina:- We are worry about the education of children and teenagers who need the help of NSComex. How do you see the situation in education nowadays?

Nicolas: - Thanks for asking me that question, Nina. You know, my students come from families of medium class or medium-low class. It's unfair what the educational system is doing with those ones who don't have access to internet, specially in poor countries or in those places where there is no free Wi-fi. 
It's unfair for those ones who live in dysfunctional families so the child find a kind of "new home" inside of a school institution. It's not easy to study like that. 
It's unfair for those ones who don't have the materials to study, books, papers, pencils, and so on, specially when libraries are closed. 
It's unfair to obey teenagers to use videoconferencing apps when everybody knows about cyber insecurity already proved. 
It's unfair to worry families with this, maybe when the family is worry about the money to survive. Maybe they are worry about what to eat, and that's really unfair.
It's unfair to overwhelm students with activities when they didn't experience this new way of learning before. 

Nina: - Ok. Nicolas, Do you see anymore difference between learning by videoconferencing or by emails with the regular way of learning of students inside of an institution like the school? 

Nicolas: - Yes, of course. There are missing contents you can't assimilate properly, and it's hard to study at home alone. It's not easy, you need to spend more time to study at home, to find information by your own because the content is not easy to understand even you have the option to ask the professor for any doubt. Sometimes there are technical difficulties in videoconferencing, the sound, the screen, you know. 

Nina:- I heared you had a small demand on virtual classes despite of having clients mostly who don't have a bank account. Will you continue rejecting them? 

Nicolas:- I think it's time for a change. I have to come back to work in an office as an employee in a company or inside of a kind of organization. You know, the income of NSComex is not enough and I think it's time for a change. It has been 7 Years waiting for justice, claiming for progress in money, God sent the Covid-19 to "destroy the people in the planet" . 7 years claiming and crying on social media. I don't know if people understand this situation, if not, I think it would turn worse,, maybe. I'm so sorry for the vulnerable people, the rich people need to change.
Nina: - So, that means, you will disappear from social media. 

Nicolas: - I tried many times to do this. I'm still  waiting for my future boss to come to rescue me. I was waiting for a lover abroad to come to rescue me but, I think that's impossible, so I have to wait for my future boss to get the money to make progress in life and finally to feel I'm making progress in life, so I need the money. 7 years waiting and waiting while suffering and feeding the people with morbidity. 
Remembering the CIA file about Narcissism, psychopathy and immaturity:

Maybe NSComex will survive but just for giving classes on weekends, maybe. I don't know. 

Nina: So, what are you gonna do when the quarantine is extended for more days after the May 10th ?

Nicolas: - I don't know.  Today is May 7th, the only important thing is to stay home. The government will try to help the poor people with money and food, I guess.They are saving NSComex because it is in low category, like many small stores in the country. 

Nina:- Ok. Nicolas, thanks for sharing your thoughts tonight.

Nicolas: - You are welcome, Nina. 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Follow his Facebook fan page: and visit his website:


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