The Olympic Games: The story

Hi everyone! I'm Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway following up the Olympic Games Tokio 2020 that began today (July 23rd, 2021). Here it is the Opening Ceremony Show on Youtube.


It is not well known who created these games, if it was Herakles or Zeus, but the purpose was to celebrate this athletic and artistic festival in honor of the God Zeus, in the Olympia region, in the Alpheus valley, Greece, and it was held for the first time. once in 776 b.C under the reign of Iphito of Elis, and they did it every four years in late July and early August.

Iphito of Elis achieved the sacred truce with Lycurgus, the king of Sparta, and Clistenes, king of Pisa to guarantee peace during this event.

The sacred truce was very important which was inscribed on a disk in the temple of Goddess HERA. This truce said that war battles were prohibited during the duration of the Olympic games.

The winners received a wreath of branches. Over time the laurel replaced the olive until the bronze, silver and gold medals appeared in the middle of the 20th century.

The flame was lit on the altar of ashes of Zeus.

These panhellenic games consisted of:

  • Pynthian Games: in honor of the God Apollo (God of light and the sun, logic and reason), son of Zeus, and celebrated in the sanctuary of Delphi. (582 BC)
  • Nemean Games: in honor of the God Zeus in Nemea or Argos. (573 BC)
  • Isthmian Games: in honor of Posiedon in Corinth. (581 BC)
  • Olympic Games: in Olympia.

The Roman emperor Theodosius I suspended the Olympics in 392 a.C, arguing that they were made to worship pagan gods. Rome was immersed in Christianity by the edict of Thessalonica (390 a.C.)


In 1892, Pierre de Fredy known as Baron Pierre de Coubertin of French nationality, promoted the return of the Olympic Games. Thus, between April 6 and 15, 1896, the Olympic Games were reestablished celebrating it in Athens, Greece.

Later, it was only interrupted during the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945), but later more countries joined for the celebration of these games.

Nicolas Sourivongxay said:

"Olympic Games, warriors, fighting with clear rules and fair play that light their cosmos like the Olympic flame in honor of the God Zeus, that flame that burns and shines bright until it reaches gold, giving a clear message to humanity, that gives hope for the next generations. It's time to show what's made of gold that shines beyond the sky ... the flame that burns bright ... "

To continue celebrating this party, let's watch my favourite cartoon made in Japan 'Knights of the Zodiac' created by Masami Kurumada.

The Twelve Gold Warriors of Athena

Warriors against Posiedon

Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth. Against Abel, God of sun and son of Zeus.

Warriors against Eris, Goddess of strife and discord

Warriors against Lucifer

Born to Shine

Songwriter/Composer Nicolas Sourivongxay (C) Copyrights, 2018.

And every time I see you, that's always on my mind, 

and when my faith is shaking, that makes me realize, 

I'm breathing, I'm living, 

I'm facing all my nights, 

Keep on moving, keep trying, 

I was born to shine

And every time you see your goals,

giving everything you have, 

It's time to show what's made of gold, 

that shines beyond the sky...

I'm breathing, I'm living, 

I'm facing all my nights, 

Keep on moving, keep trying, 

You were born to shine

No matter how we change our minds, 

don't let ourselves to slow us down, 

Every time we close our eyes, 

the faith is here, the flame burns bright...

I can make it, gonna make it

I was born to shine, 

Lift my head up to the sky, 

I was born to shine, 

Candle a light in your heart, 

You were born to shine, 

You and I, You and I, 

We were born to shine...

I was born to shine, 

You were born to shine, 

We were born to shine...

The Olympic Medal chosen for Tokio 2020.

It contains a goddest, Nike, the goddest of Victory.

Nike's Powers: the ability to fly. the goddess of victory. the power of speed.
An attribute of both Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and the chief god, Zeus. Nike, represented in art as a small figure carried in the hand by those divinities 

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