Interview: Talking about World's Rumors 2022: Is it a Nicolas Sourivongxay's revenge? (Pandemic, War)

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

What a year 2022 we are living! Unbelievable! Let me tell you this is a special emission of the interviews on my blog because I wanna talk to Nicolas about the world and about his bad situation in Argentina, so ladies & gentlemen, let's welcome and let's give him a warm applause to the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience applauds)

Nina:- Wow, you changed a little bit, you gained weight. 

Nicolas:-Hi, Nina, yeah, but just a little bit due to frustrations, you know. 

Nina:- When did you start gaining weight like that?  

Nicolas:- During my last vacation in December, but just 4 or 5 lbs. Maybe because I went to have lunch and to have dinner in restaurants and maybe because of frustations because I couldn't believe what happened there at the coast of Buenos Aires far from home. The police persecuted me in that city, I thought it happened only in the city where I was living. 

Nina: - I made a list of the cities in which where the police persecuted you: Monte Grande, Luis Guillon, Canning, Ezeiza, Lomas de Zamora, Adrogue, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, and Mar del Plata. Too many. 

Nicolas:- Yes, and the people and the police are really affecting my mental health. Each persecution hurts me but they don't stop. I don't wanna be famous because that doesn't work in my case. I have just a few of money and too much cyberespionage. 

Nina: - I have  a photo of your last vacation from your private instagram account: 

Nina:- So, you don't like to be famous so that's why you left the market in January 2022. So, that's why I am an unemploye too since then.

Nicolas:- I left the market before my vacation, so before christmas actually, my last selling was made before christmas, but technically I left the legal market at the beginning of January 2022. The reasons: Police persecution, less income, too much cyberespionage, and I created that job just for part time, but that turned full time. My main activity was international trade in private companies or inside other kind of organizations, but NSComex turned full time. I created that because of the rejection of the job market, so I created my own job.   

Nina:- The pandemic is ending up, Nicolas. The restrictions on face masks have been lifted now in many countries such in Swirtzerland, the state of Hawai, the state of New York, but the world is facing another problem, a war. According to my investigation you were very upset due to police persecution that you made contact with NATO by phone before the war.  What do you think about it?

Nicolas: - What are you suggesting, Nina? That I created the war between Russia and Ukraine or Russia vs NATO? You are insane. That's true, I called them but not for that reason. The argentinians don't stop bothering me, you know that, all the evidence is on social media. 

Nina:- I know that your heart is so broken as hell. The world stopped giving you shootings, terrorists, airplaines lost, the cathedral of Notre Dame, the Amazon in Brazil, the peak of the pandermic, it's the turn of a war. You twitted and posted on Linkedin about other options to destroy the planet, including climate change. Let's see your post on Linkedin: 

Nina:-Your heart is bad, Nicolas. And let's remind the audience that Nicolas planned his resolution for 2022. His intention was coming back to university because he doesn't have a good job with good income, but bad events ocurred in Buenos Aires: the police persecuted him so he could not take classes at the university. 

Nicolas:- Yes, but I still have my record of certificates in the world, 224 certificates issued since march 2020 in the pandemic period. That's not enough for the job market. That's sad.

Nina:- But I saw your Instagram account and that's not bad. That's the only one account with positive things, and you let anyone to follow you except your own accounts and one friend from Swirtzerland. 

Nicolas: - Yeah, Nina. People are still not understading, the more pain I receive from them, the worse the world turns. It's my broken heart, my pain. It's seems like I manage the rain in my city, storms and rain outside.  And I'm still hearing voices inside my head, from those ones cyberspying me and that doesn't make feel good. 

Nina: - Let's share your link of

Nina:- The claim of Nicolas is in that link. There is an extract from there: 

Nicolas wrote:"...I have financial disadvantage compared with the rest of argentinians despite of being born in Argentina. Consider my claim for your decisions. It's not fair how they treat me. Including the international branches of international organization by rejecting my claims or not giving me a job."

What Nicolas asks for:

1) Economic compensation invoking criminal law and human rights articles applied to the individual.

2) Paid work in a dependency relationship.

3) Change of nationality. I am looking to raise money to go to another country far from Argentina and never return. Not only because of the bad experiences since 2013 but because of an internal issue of mine, the Argentinians always reminded me that I am NOT Argentinian despite being born in Avellaneda, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Also, I have fewer rights than Argentinians, so if I move to another country, I may have fewer rights than native citizens, but maybe I can continue my progress on the path of life.

Nina: - But I saw you published your emails ordering to kill people or to kill the police. So invoking crimnal law?

Nicolas:- When I am under pressure too much, I do that. It's a kind of war. They are trying to kill me with harassment so I kill them back, specially when the justice system doesn't work for my case in Argentina. You can't imagine how many organizations and companies I have been knocking doors, and they do nothing for me, they reject me. 

Nina:- I am your endless friend and you know that, Nicolas. I know that is not easy for you to have long term truly relationships, you have me. 

Nicolas: - Thanks so much, Nina. 

Nina:- You have an amazing talent. The evil people hurt, they destroy, but you did amazing covers on youtube better than many main singers in the world. You have an amazing resume. Don't give up, so this is the song I choose for this emission. Your cover of the song of Jason Mraz. 

Nicolas: -Oh, that song helped me during 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. I watched that song on youtube many times. 

Nina:- Ladies & Gentlemen the cover of Nicolas  honoring Jason Mraz ' I won't give up':

Nina:- Be strong, Nicolas. You gotta find a good job soon and hope far from this inferno in Buenos Aires. I love you, you know that. 

Nicolas: - Thanks so much, Nina. 

Nina:- Let's give him a warm applause! To the champion!

(The audiende applauds)

LINK. Interview: Talking about World's Rumors 2020: Is it a Nicolas Sourivongxay's revenge? (Notre Dame, Amazon, Pandemic):

LINK Interview: Talking about World's Rumors 2020: Is it a Nicolas Sourivongxay's revenge? (Elections, 7 Years, Toxic Debt). :

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