This is the WORLDWIDE FIREWORKS RANKING 2021 and the Divo Nicolas Sourivongxay made this ranking selecting the best shows in this planet. Nicolas said: 

'...this year the quality of shows of some countries improved so much, a big surprise, by the other hand, so sad many countries cancelled their fireworks shows due to Covid-19..."


1-Sydney, Australia

2- Bangkok, Thailand

3- Taipei, Taiwan

4- Dubai, United Arab Emirates

5- Pyongyang, North Korea

6- Auckland, New Zealand

7- Athens, Greece

8- Singapore

9- Berlin, Germany

10- Moscow, Russia

For this fireworks ranking 2021, just only 10 countries in the world got into the list of the best of the best. 

Due to the Covid-19 many countries mutted their shows like London, The UK, a country that used to be on top 5 every year: Hong Kong, China, cancelled its show despite of reaching the number 1 position in 2018: France that got on top 5 in 2019 and in 2020 also cancelled its show: Brazil, a great candidate, the only one country with chances from America Continent also cancelled its show.

As in every year, Nicolas Sourivongxay checked the videos from official channels and pages. In cases where the program of the show of fireworks was not complete, he searched for the videos of the full show. 

This year 2021 like in every year, fake videos appeared on social media, and including they were  shown by very well known tv news channels by showing a show of Hong Kong from years ago, for example. On Twitter it appeared a fake stream live video of fireworks of Hong  Kong. And London made a video shared only by BBC with flashes content, so the judge, Nicolas, decided to remove The UK of the Ranking. In addition, Nicolas saw a famous news page in latin america sharing fake photos of fireworks of Egypt.


In 2020 we had a big surprise with Hong Kong who lost the top 5 for the first time reaching almost the last position. A bad year for Hong Kong..They really use to have a great potential to reach the top five, they were #1 in 2018. 
London had a problem with the smoke so, they gave one step back for the first time reaching the 3rd position. 
Taipei stayed at the same position again almost reaching the top 5.
1- Sidney, Australia
2- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3- London, UK
4- Bangkok, Thailand
5- Paris, France
And the list continues like this: 
6- Taipei, Taiwan
7- Pyongyang, North Korea
8- Athens, Greece
9- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
10- Auckland, New Zeland
11- Russia
12- Singapore
13- Hong Kong, China.
14- Germany


In 2019, many countries improved their shows so much but Dubai lost positions and America continent lost Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana, Brazil.
In America continent just 2 countries had the chance to get into the top 5, Brazil and Mexico but not the USA.

1-Sysney, Australia
2-London, United Kingdom
3--Hong Kong, China
4-Paris, France
5-Bangkok, Thailand
6- Taipei, Taiwan
7- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
8- Marin Bay, Singapore
9- Moscow, Russia
10- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11- Pyongyang, North Korea


1- Hong Kong (China)
2- London (UK)
3- Rio de Janeiro ( Brazil)
4- Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
5- Sydney (Australia)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway


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