The Worldwide Fireworks Ranking 2020

Hi, this Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway and this is the World Ranking of Fireworks 2020 created by Nicolas Sourivongxay.

In 2018 every continent had a country on the list on that time.

In 2019, many countries improved their shows so much. Afrika lost Dubai and Amerika continent lost Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana, Brazil.
In Amerika continent just 2 countries had the chance to get into the top 5, Brazil and Mexico but not the USA.
The list continued like this: 
6- Taipei, Taiwan
7- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
8- Marin Bay, Singapore
9- Moscow, Russia
10- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11- Pyongyang, North Korea

In 2020 we had a big surprise with Hong Kong who lost the top 5 for the first time reaching almost the last position. A bad year for Hong Kong, even thou we hope they to get over it for the next year. They really use to have a great potential to reach the top five, they were #1 in 2018. 
London had a problem with the smoke so, they gave one step back for the first time reaching the 3rd position. 
Taipei stayed at the same position again almost reaching the top 5. 
1- Sidney, Australia
2- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3- London, UK
4- Bangkok, Thailand
5- Paris, France
And the list continues like this: 
6- Taipei, Taiwan
7- Pyongyang, North Korea
8- Athens, Greece
9- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
10- Auckland, New Zeland
11- Russia
12- Singapore
13- Hong Kong, China.
14- Germany

Nicolas said: ' Congratulations for the great shows tbose countries gave to mankind. They were gifts to the world. Good job, guys! As an international judge I say Thank you for the beautiful things you gave tonight!'

Mexico is always the last country in the party but it is too late and I gotta go to bed so, if Mexico gives a good job tonight, I will add them into the ranking. Check this article tomorrow just in case! 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Facebook fan page: and visit his website:


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