The Professional Interview with the Divo: International Trade Degree

Hi, I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway and welcome to my Blog Show! 

(The audience applaud) 

It's time for a new Interview with him. 

(The audience shout loud) 

Let's welcome to the amazing, the fabulous, the great Divo of all times, the one and only who can't be thrown on his own, Nicolas Sourivongxay

(The audience applaud) 

Nina:- You look gorgeous as always! 

Nicolas:- Thanks very much, Nina! 

Nina:- Well, well, whale! How to start?

(The audience shout loud) 


Nina:- The first question is, how did you convince Star Maker Karaoke to delete the video you made in their platform by singing the popular song 'Out here on my own' in the version of Mariah Carey. That beautiful song of Irene Cara with a wonderful lyric from the movie 'Fame'? Let's remember Nicolas sang that song, later he removed the app, after that he downloaded the app again but Star Maker gave him another profile number making it impossible to recover the first profile number in order to delete it.

Nicolas:- I sent a letter by using one of my superpowers, my International Trade Degree, so I explained them politely my situation I was dealing with since January 6th, 2022.  The formal letter was written by me on September 16th, 2023. Two days later, they allowed me to get into my account so I deleted the video and my account will be deleted in 30 days according to the requirements of their terms. 

Nina:- What do you think about this situation? Was it good the intention of Star Maker? Was it made by an angry fan of Mariah Carey or Irene Cara who sadly passed away on November 25th, 2022?

Nicolas:- I don't know, Nina. The interference in the contract was real. Star Maker gave me another profile number that time and I don't know if the system problem came from Star Maker or came from Google Play App. They didn't recognize my first profile number so they gave me another one. 

Nina:- And after being allowed by them, you, with your own hands had to delete the video. Do you think people who do Cyberespionage were prejudging you by presuming you manipulated it?

Nicolas:- As I told you before, Star Maker allowed me to get into my account again. And what hackers, cyberspies think about my activity in the cyberspace, I don't care. 

Nina:- But you had problems with prejudgment in Buenos Aires before. They prejudged you and they punished you with outages to your house or by cutting internet connection, or by sending you young rebels shouting things at the walk side of your house. 

Nicolas:- Yes, that's right but not only the judgment was related to my internet activity. They also did that in the superficial space, for example, related to police persecution on the streets and political manipulation and experiment forbidden by law in the Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation."

And the article 10 of Human Rights Declaration says that we all have the right to a fair trial. 

Nina:- All right, my question is why you wanted to delete the video. It was a karaoke version and if that was not perfect, that's understandable for a karaoke version. We go to bars to sing Karaoke and we sing bad just for fun.

Nicolas:- Yes, but you know me, Nina. I try my best to sing very well by giving my best professionally. I am exigent with myself and you know I was an implicit judge on the internet of some programs of The X- Factor and some programs of American Idol. I learned from the best, from the main Divas in the industry and from Simon Cowell. That Karaoke version was my first shot, when I realized what i did, it was too late and after that, I felt ashamed of that. Desperately I made scandalous on Twitter and at the US Embassy in Argentina. 

Nina:- But the headquarter of the company was not in the USA, it was in Singapore, in Marina Bay.


Nicolas:- And I admire the economy of Singapore. And in the Worldwide Fireworks Show for the welcome of the year 2023, Marina Bay was in the 7th position, so that's great! On global top ten. 


Nina:- This is not the first time, you used your superpowers by using your degree in international trade. In February 2022 you imported a baggage for a worker of the Inter- American Development Bank. 


Nicolas doing the Commentator Challenge for Formula 1 sponsored by DHL:

Nicolas:- Oh, I remember that. No one wanted to help me because of ignorance. Custom brokers, DHL, workers at Inter- American Development Bank in Argentina, Transports Agents, so I decided to take the risk by my own because the client was reliable and I knew him. I went to the airport, I had to deal with the custom processes and with DHL. It was a human error in origin, so I fixed it. And the operation was successful. 

Nina:- Was it difficult?

Nicolas:- It was a long process from February 2022 until Abril 2022. I worked so hard. The worst things were...the police persecution and private security on the streets, and the feminist movement.

Nina:- Feminist movement? 

Nicolas:- During the process, I noticed misinformation and seemed like it was the first time for everyone at custom. Suddenly a woman appeared with the same process almost at the  finish line. The last day, I arrived the custom before her, that was the last step. The custom called her before me. That was a little disgusting due to the credit. So, once again some feminists took my credit like some credits they take by doing Cyberespionage to take advantage of me. And they applaud themselves despite of illegal acts or dishonest behavior. It's not easy to deal with it. 

Nina:- Enough said, Nicolas. Congratulations for using your superpowers with your International Trade Degree without the help of anybody to solve those business cases respectively. 

Nicolas:- Hope next time, someone pay me for doing that. I could sue Star Maker for dishonest commercial behavior due to the time they used making money without my consent however, I know the process is more complicated. That's in the year 2023. 

And in the year 2022, I was working implicitly for the Inter- American Development Bank without a formal contract. I didn't want to dig into the issue, either. I did it Ad Honorem for someone reliable for me who I personally knew. 

Nina:- How many certificates for free you got from the Inter- American Development Bank? 

Many:- Many. And I had to pass tests to get them. I made the effort to get them. 

Nina:- My team found 7 (Seven) official certificates from that institution uploaded on LinkedIn. Here it is a photo of promotion on Instagram showing that you took courses and gained certificates. These are not the original certificates, they are uploaded on LinkedIn or by using Links to a certain page of that Bank. 

Nina:- Once again, Nicolas. Congratulations for your professional job. You did it by your own against all odds, against all people who discouraged you in the process in order to get your goals. To the Internacional Trade Degree. We celebrate like this 🍾🥂

Nicolas:- Thanks, Nina. Don't forget I am also a Bartender with certificate. Cheers! 🥂

Nina:- Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give a warm applause to him 

(The Audience applaud)

Irene Cara 'Out Here On My Own' from the movie Fame. 

' We are always proving who we are, always reaching that shining star....I can't be thrown out here on my own...'

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 


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