The Dinner🍝 Interview with the Divo & Ostracism

Welcome 🤗 to the Interview Dinner 🍝 with Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 

(The Audience applaud)

Tonight we're going to have a supper with two guests on my table to celebrate the anniversary of the ten years of OSTRACISM

Ostracism is the banishment to which citizens who were considered bad or very bad for popular sovereignty were sentenced. It was a democratic procedure in Athens, Greece, to expel a citizen out of the city-state for ten years.

Characteristic of Ostracized citizen: Someone prominent, popular, and powerful. 

Objective: to neutralize that person in order to protect the democratic balance.

He is my guess. He completes ten years on September 30th, 2023. Let's welcome to Ostracism.

(The Audience applaud)

And by the another side, we have him. He had an interview with me last night. The amazing, the wonderful, the incredible, the fabolous, the glorious, the number one Divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay 

(The Audience applaud)

Let's have a seat on my table.  I cooked all day for tonight. 

To start this pleasant night, here we have Pickled Eggplants with sauce of oil, spices, sweet pepper, garlic, all over biscuits without salt. One for each other.

Nicolas: -Thanks for cooking, Nina. 

Ostracism:- Delicious! with so much flavour!😜

Nina:- All right. It's your birthday, Ostracism. Ten years together. 

Nicolas:- Unpleasant ten years. 😒

Ostracism:- That's my job, pushing out people for ten years. You know that, Nicolas! 

Nina:- Okay, boys! Don't take it personal. The question goes to Nicolas. How are you today after 10 years together with Ostracism?

Nicolas:- We don't get on well at all. Thanks God, our relationship is ending up on Saturday, SEP 30th, 2023. I don't wanna continue my relationship with Ostracism anymore. 

Nina:- When did you meet each other? Do you remember? 

Ostracism: - It was in September 2013, I saw him quiting his last depending job, and it was like first love at a glance. I fell in love. 

Nina:- Did you feel the same, Nicolas?

Nicolas:- At the beginning I didn't know Ostracism so much so we continued our relationship but I didn't know Ostracism very well until the end of times when searching for information on Wikipedia and on YouTube. After that, I realized what type of relationship I had with Ostracism.

Nina: - Fine! Let's have the following dish. It is made with lettuce, tuna, and olive oil. It's a healthy Tuna Salad. 

Nina:- Nicolas, how was your relationship with Ostracism?

Nicolas:- We spent most of the time fighting. There was violence, psychological violence that affected my physical health. 

Nina:- Did Ostracism hit you? 

Nicolas:- Nope. It was psychological manipulation, psychological violence, exclusion. Ostracism provoked outages to manipulate me at home, cutting of inter connections, Cyberespionage. Also police persecution, harassment, and interceptions on the streets, among other bad events during these last decade. 

Nina:- Did you do that, Ostracism?

Ostracism:- Yes, I did. 

Nina:- Bad Ostracism. Whatever, let's continue with the next dish. More lettuce with argentinean empanadas, one made with jam and cheese, and one another is a sweet and sour empanada made with cow meat with raisings 

Nina:- Even so, there is a positive view in your relationship with Ostracism, right?

Nicolas:- Yeah! I created music and books, NsComex, you were born, and other things but with just a few of money, less than the others economically. 

Nina:- Did you apologize him, Ostracism?

Ostracism:- Not yet. According to my rules in ancient Greece in history, I don't have to apologize Nicolas for treating him bad. 

Nicolas:- That's against the law. You should go to jail, you should be punished by the law for what you did to me. You really hurt me. I didn't want to spend ten years in disgrace, misfortune, with mistreatment like that. You are aweful!

Nina:- Wait, wait, wait! Let's calm it down. We are having dinner tonight and I won't tolerate this kind of arguing on my table. So, we won't have dessert tonight. 

Nicolas:- Oh, Nina!😢

Ostracism:- No way, I wanna cry. 😭

Nina:- Let's have a coffee instead. One for each other. I gotta have the iceberg coffee. 

Nicolas:- I gotta take the cup with black coffee.

Ostracism:- So, the brown one is mine. 

Nina:- The coffee is delicious! What are you going to do next? 

Nicolas:- I don't know. Maybe, going to bed. 

Ostracism:- Calling my male young friends who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap to bother Nicolas or probably calling other friends to cyberespy Nicolas under water.  

Nina:- Guys, I don't like you both as a couple. You should get divorced immediately and I hope so, especially for your health, Nicolas. 

Nicolas:-I wish I could, Nina. To wake up on October 1st, 2023 saying "I finally got divorced from that sh;:+)-;¥^¢t! "

Ostracism:- Oh, the lady is upset. Let's see if I give you the divorce or not.

Nina:- Before ending up this beautiful dinner together, Nicolas, the winner of 6 Andromeda Global Prizes this year, gotta sing his song Phone Calls Slow' 

(The Audience applaud)

Nina:- Ladies and gentlemen. Our final guest tonight, this surprise! Harry Styles singing Sign of the Times. Let's give a warm applause to all my guests! 

(The Audience applaud) 

Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 


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