A Phone Call To Shine With Love: The Divo & Thomas Roberts

Hi, I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway bringing you news about the incredible, the amazing, the supreme, the highness, the fabulous, the outstanding, the number one Divo of all times and beyond, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Well, well, whale! More important news about Nicolas' life. And I am the only one authorized to share information about his life. 

Do you remember this article written for Saint Valentine's day? It had to do with a famous journalist in the USA, Thomas Roberts. 

Link: http://ninandromedagalaxymilkyway.blogspot.com/2023/02/14-february-2023-how-was-saint.html

Thomas worked as the anchor news of the MSNBC, he also worked at MSNBC live, NBC News, Way Too Early, Today, NBC Nightly News, DailyMail TV, CNN, CBS News, Entertainment Tonight among other places. He appears in the movie The Avengers. He is an Emmy Award Winner and his is married with Patrick Abner. 

On February 14th, 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay didn't receive a greeting from him for Saint Valentine's day like in 2022. 

After the rejection of Nicolas' attempt to US Embassy VISA Tourism in July 2023, Nicolas adopted a weird attitude on the internet by saying he got broken his heart affecting also his relationship with Mariah Carey by not listening to her music anymore, he also deleted all his Facebook friends from his only two personal Facebook accounts, and Nicolas unfollowed Thomas and others on Instagram as well. 

And we all sadly know, the year 2023 is one of the worst years in Nicolas' life since the beginning of the year, since January with non-stop revolution in a year of Presidential Election in Argentina however, among other personalities in the world such as Mariah Carey and Pope Francis, Thomas Roberts posted photos related to Phone Calls. 

Mariah Carey and Rocco singing 'It's a Wrap' talking by phone: https://fb.watch/na5o9Daq5T/?mibextid=Nif5oz

Probably the Pope Francis recieving a call: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02wCBPWicYwdWhXt7cosCuUWLHjiCWCssARGgjv5545CVt7ZkFLkRUAmn5UWH96VJrl&id=100058005356262&mibextid=Nif5oz

In February 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay launched in the market his EP Rock Album called 'Phone Calls To Shine' with only two songs.

Due to the bad reaction of Nicolas for the rejection of his US VISA Tourism, Thomas posted photos related to Phone Calls.

Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuQQWhcrjaq/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==

Will the relationship between the United States and Nicolas Sourivongxay be fixed? I personally asked Nicolas about it and he answered like this: 

"...Mariah Carey and Thomas Roberts representing the USA for me really touched my heart in a weird internet relationship that takes years, more than 10 years. Mariah with her music deep in my veins and Thommy representing the ideal of the American man. In this, I think the song of Lady Gaga tuned in my mind by saying 'it wasn't love, it was a perfect illusion'. And I am at fault as well for getting involved into the American society so much. C'est la Vie. It's a matter of time. I don't know where my destiny is. I am still in this journey of life but....well... let's see what happens next...".

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway


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