August 2023: the Interview with the Rock Divo

Hi, I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway and welcome to my Blog Show! 

(The audience applaud) 

He is here. Yeah.. it's time for the interview with the amazing, the talented, the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, the one and only Divo Rock of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

(The audience applaud) 

Nicolas:- Thanks so much for having me here.

Nina:- You look gorgeous. (Nina and Nicolas embraced each other) 

Nina: - Today we are going to talk deeply about your life, so like Madonna once said 'Express Yourself'. 

Nicolas:- Thanks, Nina. I am ready to talk even I am still sick. I have been sick since August 18. In recovering process.

Nina:- I imagine it's due to stress. I read on the internet you were sick with the flu, Gastrointestinal irritation, dehydration, headache, bones ache. 

Nicolas:- Yes, I went to the doctor so I am taking medicine. I had stress, particularly the Police persecution made me sick and my travel to Uruguay in July 2023, last month.

Nina:-.I saw your beautiful photos on your Instagram account. Many people thought it was winter vacation.  Did you enjoy Uruguay, Montevideo? 

Nicolas:- I didn't enjoy my travel, I got the bus station sick with Gastrointestinal irritation due to my nerves, I didn't know I could travel by boat instead of by bus. And my purpose in Uruguay was finding Asylum escaping from Argentinians due to police persecution and Justice System harassment in addition to my ostracism in depending job market. I came back to Argentina by boat due to problems of housing in Asylum Process.

Nina: - I read your blog: . You wrote bad things there. It's one of your worst year in your life. You faced charges in March 2023 but it was finally dismissed at the end of that month. How did that affect you? 

Nicolas:- In a bad manner. In April, I got sick in the middle of my road to get my second vaccination for COVID-19, one of my teeth got broken so my dentist repaired that, in June I tried to escape to the USA but the US Embassy rejected my VISA, in July I escaped to Uruguay finding Asylum, in August I got sick again. 

Nina:- That's terrible for just one person to deal against big institutions in Argentina. That event of the rejection of the US VISA also marked a before and after in the relationship with that country. I saw you separated from Mariah Carey.

Nicolas:- I was trying to escape desperately to the USA, and I had hope and good relationship with famous people in the USA, especially with Mariah Carey who I shared many deeply moments together on the internet for years, almost 10 years. The rejection of the VISA Tourism really broke my heart in pieces. I put Mariah Carey as a US Icon, so I stopped sharing her music, I stopped listening to her songs. I shared the music of other musicians on Instagram but they were not so much relevant in my life at the level of my relationship with Mariah Carey. 

Nina:- Music in you, has a positive effect to encourage you. Music in you is your strength. Do you think less music of Mariah Carey collaborated in your sickness, so you got sick in August? 

Nicolas:- Probably. August 18, that night, I was sweating so much with fever, I lost my sense of ears, and that night, I felt really bad, almost dying, I felt vulnerable. 

Nina: - What was the negative thought in that moment?

Nicolas:- Police persecution. 

Nina:- You are one of the most talented man in the world with so much creativity, intelligence. It seems like the positive is that, but the negative is your relationship with people in your own country. The Yin and Yang. 

Nicolas: - Music, books, certificates. Yeah, Argentinians are bad people. I have been living in a barbaric society. All negative is Argentina, but my talent and my creations are positive gifts. 

Nina:- When you got rejected by a public university in the middle of the year 2020, you started to get a lot of certificates from the world. That's insane the quantity of certificates in a short period of time. 

Nicolas:- I did it for a job, Nina. Tô impress my future boss, to convince him to hire me. 

Nina:- And he never appeared to save you. You are still unemployed and reaching your 10 years of ostracism. You quit your last depending job in September 2013. In three days you complete a decade. 

Nicolas:- It's nationalism. I am different due to history of my family and I have that stigma. Argentinians are bad people. 

Nina: - There are rumors they say you were a former president, or a former famous person.

Nicolas:- I never had a Political party offering. In my mind not all is politics, I have beautiful things on my mind. And President? elections, democracy under the law first. 

Nina:- I noticed that you are full of rules. You grew up under the law and you are acknowledged of that, so you claimed before all layers of the Justice System pyramid untill reaching the Court in Argentina and even you didn't know the codes before, you learned the codes by your own as a lawyer trying to defend yourself.

Nicolas:- It's hard to defend my self, to collect evidence, and to be the victim. I carry so much stress. You should put yourself on my shoes as a victim. And the Justice System dismissed all my claims and in March 2023 they attacked me and finally dismissed their claim. They told me I was saying delirious and that I was potentially dangerous and they said I am crazy. 

Nina:- That occurred in March 2023.. I think that getting a lot of certificates was a kind of protection as well. Since 2020 you didn't stop passings international tests

Nicolas: - And in March 2023 I was enrolled at an Argentine University at a program to be a professor. I passed three exams in December 2022 with high marks. Even so, I dropped out due to the damage provoked by the Justice System against me. 

Nina: - The verdict says, you were insane for sending to kill the Argentinians due to the pressure of police persecution on the streets. A questioning that was not a questioning, they judged you and you ended up with no compensation at all. 

Nicolas:- I felt abuse. 

Nina:- You have evidence, you have a memory on the internet already published. Argentinians are insane by not accepting the evidence published by you, the victim, on the internet. The social medias gave you sources to defend yourself from the abuse of Argentinians. I recognize Argentina is a barbaric society. Use those sources to defend yourself and never stop fighting for your own good. 

Nicolas:- Thanks Nina. 3x2 is 6 but for Argentinians 3x2 is 8. 

Nina:- There were also fans of Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap bothering you. And you also showed evidence on Facebook and on the blog Ethnic Justice, you also have evidence on emails sent to Justice System. 

Nicolas:- Yes, they have double intention. They wear masks. They are good at a glance but when their masks fall down, I can see their nationalism. I don't have any relationship with them

Nina:- Some of them were your clients of NSCOMEX. 

Nicolas:- I am introvert. I can't resist the mass quantity of people for a long time, that's stressful for me. Finally, I get the feelings of no contact with the people. I have been like this since a child. Imagine that I was bullied since a child at a school, and even the system put me into nationalism, there were always Argentinians reminding me I am not like them, they reminded me I am Chinese, japanese, Korean. Imagine how that affected me as an adult socially. And you see, how the market reacted by sending me from private sector to the inferno. 

Nina:- That's why Mariah Carey recognized you at the beginning as a nerdy boy with indirect messages with the song "Touch my body'. You are lack of social skills. People says you have Asperger.

Nicolas: - I don't know. I know it's not easy socially for me. Including the idea of the American, European, Canadian, or Australian husband. I don't have friends of my age, it's not easy to keep a relationship with people of my age since school. At school I was one of those boys of Empty seat. As an adult, you see the consequences. I was not born to be loved like those happy couples at Instagram or YouTube. And they are not enough brave to come to rescue me from abroad.

Nina:- They are anti-heroes like the song of Taylor Swift, not Heroes like the song of Mariah Carey or the song of Enrique Iglesias. 

Nicolas:- And if I find someone on social apps, Argentinians turn mean people creating rumors and by doing Cyberespionage. 

Nina:- Well, that's a barbaric society. You find social contact, and that's the only way you found to have "friends" due to social exclusion.

Nicolas:- Yes, maybe. Even so, I know my couple, is not here in Argentina. I am still in love with the idea of anglo boys and the good future. 

Nina:- You need to find a job, that's ten years you were finding for one on the internet including on LinkedIn by applying to jobs in other countries as well. Where is your future, Nicolas?

Nicolas:- I don't know. I got sick these last days, so I can't see my next step. I got depression, the flu, and my recovering has been lasting more than 10 days. The only thing I know, my future is not in Argentina. I want to be out from harm.  Argentinians are bad people. And There were days I went out of my house to the centre of Monte Grande not recovered at 100%, so I felt Vulnerable, so I sent messages to kill the police officers through the form of the United Nations website while walking on the streets. 

Nina:- Oh, fortunately. It's the website of the United Nations. They wouldn't do that, they wouldn't kill Argentinians. And that's your natural behavior for someone weak, vulnerable. You were defending yourself at your manner from police attacks. 

Nicolas:- I am doing a kind of treatment at home, however I am still not 100% recovered. 

Nina:- Hope you find your way, Nicolas. Hope your light never stop shining in the ways you want to show.  Be positive, stay positive. Don't look back so much or you gotta get sick again. Move on, if Buenos Aires is not a good environment for you, if Argentinians make you sick, affecting your mental and physical health, you have to move on. Find your way out and trust the Lord in heaven. Pray for that, God will send you help at the right moment at the right time. 

Nicolas:- Thanks so much for your kind words, Nina. Even living in a fantasy interview apart from the world of the civilization. I found a place on the internet through this blog to express my self with freedom. 

Nina:- Freedom, that word. 

Nicolas:- Yes, the word freedom hurts. I'm feeling pain when thinking of that word, oppression, anguish, sorrow, violation, police abuse. 

Nina:- Hope you get well. God bless you, Nicolas. 

Nicolas: - Thanks so much, Nina. 

Nina:- Let's give him a warn applause! 

(The audience applaud)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway


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