BESTSELLER NO.1 2022 : EL JOVEN, SU DESNUDO FINAL (The Young Man, his final nude)

Hi everyone, I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway bringing you news about the genius writer Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Do you remember this book? This book of Nicolas was published in spanish language in 2015. The cover shows a red sky and a paint of Nicolas Sourivongxay completly naked.

What a great news for one of the books of this international author. The site that is involved in the Amazon EU Affiliate Program put the book 'El Joven, su desnudo final' as BESTSELLER NO.1 on its list. 

This is the fourth book in the philosophical saga of 'El Joven'. The young man was learning about the world around him, seeking the truth of all things incessantly.

Events continue to appear in Kratonia Island. 

I invite you to continue opening paths in our minds by reading the end of this great and wonderful work `The Young Man, his final nude` by Nicolas Sourivongxay 


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From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 🎅







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