The Interview: BREATHING

Hello everyone! I am Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway and this is my International Blog space for everybody to read amazing news about the world and about him.

Yes, Ladies & Gentlemen. He is here. 

(The audience applauds)

I can't believe to have him in my program tonight. Let's welcome the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience applauds)

Nina:- Hello, hello, Nick! It's been a long time

Nicolas:- Oh, Nina. Thanks for having me in your show again. 

Nina:- I know you don't have enough time, so this gotta be a short interview, I promise. 

Nicolas:- Thanks, Nina. 

Nina:- First of all, I saw the tweet of the President Biden. What an amazing support for you. President Joe Biden shared on Twitter a thought about the Police. And Twitter showed that message to Nicolas. Let's remember Nicolas has been persecuted and mistreated with harassment by the police in Buenos Aires so, the President of The United States of America said this: 

Nina: - He means you can't belong or to be in favor of the police when you really want to destroy the government. What did you think when you read that message, Nicolas?

Nicolas: - I got the same understanding as you, Nina. There are police officers who don't like the current centre-left argentinian government so they use me to post evidence against them, and by the other hand, there are police officers for the government who use me to  go against the police to put me into the centre-left political ideology. I think both commit insurrection. I am right despite of not having Justice. 

Nina: - Before continuing, let's see a photo of you with Ex- President Barack Obama made with Photofunia.

Nicolas:- I found on Google Search that someone put the photo of Donald Trump as a cover on my Twitter account. That was weird. 

Nina: -  Maybe it was Google. You had a fight against Google and Youtube  this month. I have a photo of you with Ex- President Donald Trump made with Photofunia. 

Nicolas: - Oh.

Nina: - Coming back to the point of the evil argentinians and the mistreatment on the internet of some big companies in the world. Tell me about justice. You don't a lawyer, aren't you?

Nicolas:- Yes, Nina. I don't have defense. Justice system just washes its hands like in the bible And they tell me no. I don't have justice. That's sad. 

Nina: - I'm so sorry, Nicolas. And you are still finding a job.

Nicolas:- Yes. In September 2022 I gotta reach 10 years finding a dependent job. A decade. 

Nina:- I wish you more luck, Nicolas. Is that true that there are still cyberespiers in your neighborbood?

Nicolas: - Nina, I can't breath. I am overwhelmed with all the shit around me. 

Nina:- Ok. Nicolas. Let's relax and let's talk about the Andromeda Global Prize 2022. We all know the deadline for nominations is until Nicolas gets a job so, that day, you gotta know the winners of the last stand 2022. The real winners. Here it is the link: 

Nicolas: - Coming back to the point. I don't know what to do with some evil argentinians. They are bad people, they hurt me, they don't stop the war. It's a war. 

Nina: - I see your situation and my advise is that if you can't change the society, then you gotta move to another horizon. 

Nicolas: - I don't have the money. The argentinians don't give me the money to leave them. And the rest of the world remain in silence. 

Nina: - Oh, my God. Now, I can't breath. Talking to you about your problems make me have difficulties in breathing air. Oh, my gosh. I think I gotta have a brandy after this interview. Let's close it now.

Nicolas: - All right, Nina. Go to drink, it's saturday night, lady!

Nina: - Thanks for coming here tonight, Nicolas. I wish you the best of the best. I pray for you everynight for you to overcome all adversities in your life. For good. And hope God to break all the chains in your life. For your success, for your freedom, for breathing. Amen.

Nicolas: - Amen. 

Nina: - Let's give him a warm applauss. 

(The Audience applauds)

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 🎅







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