The Threesome honoring World Press Freedom Day: Twitter, Nicolas Sourivongxay and Elon Musk

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Hello everyone, today is a special day in the whole world. We are celebrating the World Press Freedom Day and we thanks those who worked for the truth with good intention for a better world and for justice. 

UNESCO said: "3 May acts as a reminder to governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom and is also a day of reflection among media professionals about issues of press freedom and professional ethics. Just as importantly, World Press Freedom Day is a day of support for media which are targets for the restraint, or abolition, of press freedom. It is also a day of remembrance for those journalists who lost their lives in the pursuit of a story"  Link:

Honoring this day, we are gonna celebrate this anniversary with my guest, so let's welcome to the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience Applauds)

Nina: - Wow, you look good!

Nicolas: - Thanks, darling!

Nina: - Celebrating freedom of expression, we are gonna consider a special moment in the world in 2022 when Elon Musk bought part of Twitter. I remember that day, the press was chasing Elon for the breaking news and after that he tweeted this message: 

Nicolas: - Yes, and he tweeted this message about the rain because I use to tweet rain when I get devastated after police persecution in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  

Nina: - How many times Twitter banned you? Because you have 4 Twitter accounts. 

Nicolas: - And 4 Twitter accounts just in case. Not only Twitter banned me because of my desires or wishings, or just for asking someone when he/she will die. I know that my tweets are not normal, but I use Twitter to defend myself from the bad people in Argentina.  Sometimes I tweeted that my twitter account got banned but not by Twitter but by the argentinians who cut the power to my house too much to ban my freedom of expression, the cut of the power to my house were like direct threatens and direct attacks. 

Nina:- We can analyse your Twitter accounts and we notice some period of times when you stopped tweetiing and that's because somebody banned you, Twitter or the argentinian people.

Nicolas:- Yes, and I remember days when I had to come back home at nights in the darkness fighting back with my cellphone against the police due to persecution and harassment. I remember my reactions of no stop tweetting comments due to my frustration, my sadness with a lot of pressure due to the police persecution, and one night, Twitter banned me. I was fighting to survive on the streets but Twitter didn't consider my mental health, that I was trying to survive in the field so I needed the social media to show the truth. 

Nina:- And on this link we are gonna find the messages of Twitter and the emails sent by Nicolas to the american authorities in the USA. 


Nina: - In one email, you sent to kill Jack Dorsey. Were you under too much pressure that day?

Nicolas:- Absolutely, Nina. My state of mind was to send to kill people by emails, to kill the argentinian police officers who persecuted me, and by inertia because Twitter banned me in a bad moment of my life, I sent an email to kill Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and I did that by email on March 15, 2022, that email was sent to the american authorities and it is found on that link, on my blog. I am sorry, everything is in my defense. (Nicolas said with sadness). 

Nina:- All right, Nicolas, don't cry. Elon Musk recognized that Twitter censored Freedom of Speech.

Nina:- And he also said something about the law

Nicolas:- Yes, but I am still having my 4 Twitter accounts just in case. You know that my life is tragic. I am the queen of drama on Twitter and it's against my goodwill. I wish I tweeted good things, positive things, but it's beyond my goodwill and that's sad. I think that if I got a job in a dependent positiion, that would be the solution for everything because I would finally disappear from Twitter. 

Nina:- Now, let's talk about your relationship with Elon, after you wrote something about having a sexual relationship with him on Twitter, the argentinian police officers persecuted you and I think that people thought Twitter banned you when you stopped tweeting for a long period of time. Let's remember Nicolas tweet:

Nicolas:- Well, I offered sex because he is a billionaire, I also did that with Bill Gates, even so, let me tell the world I knew nothing about Elon's personal life when I tweeted that. I didn't know about his love relationships and family. I offered sex because I have nothing of money. 

Nina: - And after that, the main photo of his profile was a rocket that seemed like a penis, and we all remember that, I don't have a photo right now because he changed his picture on Twitter. 

Nicolas:- Yes, I  remember that, too. 

Nina:- And many people compared you with Harry Potter for some reasons, I think Elon was not an exception. Let's remember his message because he knew you were a kind of professor at NSComex, your little business in Argentina: 

Nicolas:- Yeah, Nina. 

Nina: - No more questions for this special day honoring the World Press Freedom Day. Thanks for coming to my blog show, Nicolas.

Nicolas: - Thanks for having me here, Nina. Thanks for being my friend. 

Nina:- I wish you the best, I wish you to overcome all the odds in life, and hope you find the precious job and good future you deserve to enjoy. Let's give him a warm applause to the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay 

(The audience applauds)

Links about Nicolas's rain on Twitter as evidence:

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 


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