Conoravirus, Vacation, NSComex, Music, Movies and Books

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the incredible, remarkable, the genius, the astonishing, the gorgeous, the amazing, the wonderful, the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, the fantastic, the great divo singer, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Today, we are gonna talk with Nicolas in my sofa. We're gonna talk about the coronavirus, the quarentine, his vacation, and so on.  Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome to the unique, the one and only, Nicolas Sourivongxay.

(The audience applauds)

Nina: - Oh, Nicolas. Nice to see you again. 

Nicolas: - Thanks for having me in your show, Nina. 

Nina: - First of all, tell us about your vacation. I have heared it was the first vacation in the company we are working in.

Nicolas: - oh...yeahh. It was a nice pleasure to have my first vacation with NSComex's income. I saved money to do this travel. I spent my time near the sea. 

Nina: - And what did you do there?

Nicolas: - You know, I enjoy going to restaurants, to have a coffee and so on. Just walking and walking. 

Nina: - And did you travel by bus? 

Nicolas: - I went to the city by train but I came back by bus. 

Nina: - And how the Coronavirus treated you? 

Nicolas: - In my first night, I was walking on the pedestrian street to see local stores and to find out a good restaurant to have dinner, but several people made jokes about Coronavirus when they saw me. Argentinians are like italians, they often make jokes and they speak loud sometimes, but I found my way to avoid the unbearable behaviour they have sometimes, and it is by wearing sunglasses. 

Nina: - So for the rest of the night, they didn't bother you. 

Nicolas: - Yeah, day and night with sunglasses. Everyday.

Nina: - Inside the restaurants and hotels too? 

Nicolas:- Oh, no. That's too much. They have to be afraid of me, don't forget that!

(The audience applauds)

Nina: - Let's talk about your performance in Mar del Plata.

Nicolas: - I sang too of my songs ' Let it Shine on me' and ' Born to Shine' late at night. After that, it got raining while I was taking an ice cream. It was a weird night. 

Nina: - Did you see Mariah? it's like you obeyed her to wash her hands.

Nicolas: - Why are we talking about her in this conversation? 

Nina:- All right, and did you watch the new video of Lady Gaga? She copied your "stupid love" from your song " Put Me Back' , and she copied my galaxy.

Nicolas: - Maybe she is my fan, or maybe your fan. She got grammy's and an oscar with the black and white marketing strategy, the rock music. But why are we talking about her? 

Nina:- Oh, I'm sorry, Nicolas. Did you base your vacation on the movie 'Last Vacation' starred by Queen Latifah ? 

Nicolas: - Oh...I need more money to do that. I have to save more money for an expensive hotel.

Nina: - We all know, Milla Jovovich, sent you messages via the last movie of Resident Evil concerning the clones, and so on. Did you notice some other messages connecting the movie with the Coronavirus? 

Nicolas: - I think there are many different types of virus. The T-Virus is not the Coronavirus. My friend Bill Gates, used to tell people to take care about the possibility of a global virus. This is different. 

Nina: - Do you think 'Coronavirus' will increase your power like the T-Virus did with Alice? Are you enjoying your revenge against the world for your #7years of exclusion? 

Nicolas: - Nina, what the hell have you been smoking, dahling?

Nina:- Let's give an applause to Nicolas!

(The audience applauds)

Nicolas: - My name name name is Nicolas Sourivongxay and I remember everything...

(The audience applauds)

Nina: - oh...I forgot to go to commecial. Nicolas published his last book about 'Climate Change' this month and it is available on Amazon. 

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway that belongs to Nicolas Sourivongxay´s team. We Work for NSCOMEX.
Follow his Facebook fan page: and visit his website:


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