THE BEST LINKEDIN PROFILE 2020: Resume of the Year

This is the first article of 2021 of this international blog and we are celebrating this new year by giving a prize to the amazing Nicolas Sourivongxay. 
The 7 Years of misfortune and injustice in the life of Nicolas has ended up, and since today, it is going to be 8 years. 
Many events occured in the Year 2020 including bad events, but despite that, Nicolas didn't stop fighting until the last day. On December 31st, 2020, Nicolas got his last certificate online from Mexico. 
Nicolas has the best profile in terms of studies on Linkedin in the world.
Photo from Wilkipedia:

In the year 2020, the divo got a total quantity of 57 (fifty-seven) official certificates from very well known institutions in the world. All his certificates can be found on his LINKEDIN profile

There is no profile on Linkedin with that quantity of certificates in the world. The resume of nicolas has diversity of certificates, so that makes it special. 

Nicolas began studying online on August 14th, 2020 being frustrated of the bad and evil events occured while taking classes online at a public university in Buenos Aires during the restrictive quarantine. Just to let everybody know, Nicolas finished an advance course sucessfully on  March 5th,  2020 at that university before the quarantine called 'Derecho Administrativo' but without certificate because it belonged to the program degree 'Accountant' . Nicolas got his first degree at a private university as an 'International trade degree' in 2013, and he was running for his second degree at a public university, but he was forced to drop out on July 2020 due to evil events.

Let's also remember that Nicolas left the legal market with his little business store NSComex in September 2020, and that belonged to his job experience background. A very well company that provided the website services is Wordpress. 

Nicolas said: '- One of the most challenge course I took was with Stanford University. I had to get involved in the world of engeneers language to pass the final exam. It was a long course, but I did it!'

While getting the certificates, Nicolas thanked the universities, other kind of institutions, and leaders, who gave him to chance to study online.
  • United Nations: 2 certificates from UNICEF
  • The United Kingdom: 7 certificates
  • European Union: 3 certificates (it includes Germany)
  • The United States of America: 13 certificates
  • Australia: 5 certificates
  • Mexico: 27 certificates
Nicolas said: ' It was such a great pleasure to study with them. Thanks to the main countries in the world to help me to find a job, and to get hope that some day my life would change for better. I made that during the year 2020, that means it was into the period of time of my 7 years of misfortune and injustice life. Thanks so much for your kind help. Now, I'm waiting for the big change, for the best to come in my life'

.His resume also includes: 
  • 17 books ( One of them is 'El Rescate del Doctor Aranus'  published in early march 2020)
  • 3 new theories published in 2020 ( Theory of Economy of Exclusion, The 8 concepts of Justice, Theories of Women Behaviour) 
  • 1 original song published.
  • And more...   

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