The Christmas Story at Christmas Night 🎅

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the wonderful, the fantastic, the incredible, the fabulous, the irresistible, the compelling, the resistless, the devastating, the number one and great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. 🎅

Tonight is the night before christmas day. People are celebrating christmas eve, so I remind you the best story of christmas written by the DIvo Nicolas Sourivongxay. I invite you to use your imagination. Are you ready to read? So, let's get started!

Chapter 1: DECEMBER 24th, 2020

Nicolas said: '...I'd like to have dinner alone in a restaurant near the beach in a 5 stars luxury hotel with just less and quiet people around at xmas night.'

Then  suddenly the waiter said:  'Here you have the mic. Could you pls sing a christmas song with our band, Sir.? '

Then Nicolas said: - 'What? me? oh ok, but just one song...'

Nicolas ordered his meal. He is alone at his table.  He enjoyed the orchestra of the restaurant in that international hotel. He  wanted to be alone, but sometimes he needed a friend to hang out a moment. He was alone, and his only beloved friends were Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway, The Green Riding Hood, and Santa Clauss, but they were not there physically, in person with him that night. 

Nicolas said: -'Everybody is smiling, the world is rejoicing, except for me tonight...'
Nicolas decided to go to the bar located in another room but inside that hotel. The bar looked cozy, a little private and intimate. Nicolas asked for some chocolates and for champagne when suddenly a person appeared in the scene, and that person said: - The round is on me. 
Nicolas met that person while a jazzy and soft christmas song was played in the room. They chatted for hours. 

CHAPTER 2: THE NEXT DAY (December 25th, 2020)

While having a xmas breakfast, the waiter said: -Sir. here it is your xmas pudding'

And Nicolas said: -oh, that looks expensive but don't worry my darling, 'cause I'm gonna pay with credit card, you know I have too many accounts in several banks around the globe. Those islands, u know...'

The waiter said: -'Great performance of last night. I didn't know you were a good singer'

Nicolas answered: - 'What? Don't u know who I am? Dahling, buy my album Let it Shine on Me by Nicolas Sourivongxay on Spotify, Apple music, Amazon, Deezer..' 

Then the waiter said:-'yes, Sir.'

Nicolas:- 'here you are my tip' 

And the waiter said - 'that's too much money for me, Sir.' , 

then Nicolas answered: -'So, buy many of my albums for ur family & friends'. 

The waiter said:- 'Thanks so much, Sir'.

After that Nicolas  asked:- 'by the way, give my card to the owner of the hotel, maybe he wants to do business with me, I have too many services and products to offer'.

Then the waiter said:- 'Sure, Sir. Merry Christmas' 

And Nicolas said:- 'Merry Christmas'.

The waiter surprisingly said:- I said Merry Christmas as a waiter, but now I'm saying Merry Christmas again but as the owner of this hotel'

Nicolas astonished said: -'What?, you are a waiter and you are the owner of this luxury 5 stars international hotel? Good for you!

CHAPTER 3: While travelling on airplane he wrote a poetry on December 25th, 2020 at night coming back home.


If only you knew how much I wanna be with you,
if only I could see your face,
no more tears and pain.
It's CHRISTMAS in the air,
in Las Vegas is where we met,
a special feeling I tasted
that night, in a bar, drinking champagne.
Blushing me with your words while we were hearing a CHRISTMAS SONG

I want to stay by your side, together
In that city of lights, forever
Where we opened our hearts 💙 , remember?

Everyone is celebrating,
They look like shining stars.
And everybody is carrying,
All the joy that comes from their hearts.

I gaze out the window
Imagining you so far
I wish I could see that city of fire,
The rich city of clowns and glam
Only with you,
One more time.

I want to stay by your side, together
In that city of lights, forever
Where we opened our hearts 💙 , remember?

Together and forever, remember?

To be continued....

From Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway 🎅


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