
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020

NSComex celebration: 2 Years

Hi, I'm Nina and I bring you news about the astonishing, the wonderful, the breathtaking, the fantastic, the prodigious, the fabulous, the devastating, the stupendous, the sublime, the extraordinary, the phenomenal, the sensational, the spectacular, the number one and only one great divo of all times, Nicolas Sourivongxay. Today is a great day for NSComex Corporation, the most powerful company in the whole planet and beyond.  To celebrate the 2 years into the legal market tonight, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome to the greatful Nicolas Sourivongxay. (The audience applause) Nina: - You look incredible tonight!  Nicolas:- Oh, Thanks darling! Nina: - And me too! (The audience applause) . Nicolas, we are celebrating the two years into the legal market of NSComex. It was founded by you, in 2015 and got into the market in november 2016 officially. It saddly broke in June 2017 but NSComex came back in november 2018 to make this little company great again a