
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2019

Put Me Back and the EU Brexit History

The prodigious, sensational, spectacular, stupendous, phenomenal, wonderful and marvellous little divo Nicolas Sourivongxay released his new incredible song 'Put Me Back' worldwide. And this is what he said. Nina: - Nicolas, you told us your song is about love and relationships. Could you tell us more about it? Nicolas: -Oh...first of all, thanks for having me in this interview, Nina. And... about my song, yeah, having relationships with those kind of feelings as ingredients to maintain a kind of interconnection between two or more people is not easy sometimes. I think we all have experimented those feelings when someone Put you Back for some reasons and that hurts. Separations are hard when you already put your deeply feelings together. Nina: -Were you thinking of love on those moments when you wrote that song or when you made that song?  You look so sad when singing... Nicolas:- ...well...(Nicolas cried live for some minutes  then he continued)...This song is about

Put Me Back

The new song 'PUT ME BACK' that belongs to the amazing, remarkable, extraordinary, outstanding and incredible little divo Nicolas Sourivongxay is now available worldwide in music platforms like: Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/656761382 YT Music: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=_fV671XHCD0&feature=share Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q6CTGCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_hwJNCbVATD4FZ ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/put-me-back-single/1457945747 Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bwce7x2ougmof43hhclfuaanl6u Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3r6BgrBo6zRn1rOce2IlrF?nd=1 And more... '..This is about those situations in life when that person close the doors and you insist so much but at the end you realize you were spending your time with someone who doesn`t deserve you. Put Me Back is about love, it is about relationships...' Nicolas Sourivongxay released his new single called 'Put Me Back